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Windows 10 download 2020 update
Windows 10 continues to play a key role in how we learn, live and work during these unique times, and we want to ensure a high quality and reliable experience, while also delivering you the latest innovations. Based on affirmative preview feedback, today we are pleased to announce that we are starting to make the May Update available. In this blog, we will cover how you can get the update and choose when to install, and availability for commercial organizations to begin targeted deployments.
To ensure you continue to have a reliable, productive experience with your Windows 10 devices, we are taking a measured and phased approach to how we offer the May Update, initially limiting availability to those devices running Windows 10, versions and who seek the update via Windows Update. Beginning today, the May Update is available for customers who would like to install this latest release.
Once the update appears, you can select Download and install. Note: You may not see Download and install on your device as we are slowly throttling up this availability over the coming weeks, or your device might have a compatibility issue for which a safeguard hold is in place until we are confident that you will have a good update experience.
For more information on the new user update controls and how to get the May Update, watch this video. Given all the recent changes to work and home life, we are focused on meeting you where you are and helping you adapt to these new challenges.
We have often noted that being on the latest version of Windows 10 provides you with the latest features, security improvements and control. This is even more true today. The May Update offers many new features that can save you time, make you more productive and help you have fun — in addition to further enhancing your control and choices related to updates. We will closely monitor the May Update experience and share timely information on the current rollout status and known issues open and resolved across both feature and monthly updates via the Windows release health dashboard and WindowsUpdate.
As always, please continue to tell us about your experience by providing comments or suggestions via Feedback Hub. How to get the Windows 10 May Update. How to get the Windows 10 May Update To ensure you continue to have a reliable, productive experience with your Windows 10 devices, we are taking a measured and phased approach to how we offer the May Update, initially limiting availability to those devices running Windows 10, versions and who seek the update via Windows Update.
Keeping you protected and productive Given all the recent changes to work and home life, we are focused on meeting you where you are and helping you adapt to these new challenges. Windows
Windows 10 download 2020 update.December 13, 2022—KB5021233 (OS Builds 19042.2364, 19043.2364, 19044.2364, and 19045.2364)
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