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Look for the device by early summer. Pop one open: Nokia Mobile Phones, www. It has a 9-inch LCD screen and 5. You can connect the unit to your TV to watch in couch-potato comfort; a remote is included, too. The Fire-i supports a mbps transfer rate and frame-per-second video for quality pic- ture and motion, thanks to its speedy IEEE FireWire connection. Combine it with Unibrain’s Fire-i software, and you can connect multiple cam- eras to a single PC and view at by resolu- tion.

The software also allows remote monitoring of one or all cameras at the touch of a button. Into a featherweight 3 ounces, this amazing phone squeezes a large, eight- row, color LCD panel and built-in Bluetooth capa- bilities. Its support for packet-radio technology deliv- ers “always-on” mobile Internet connectivity for fast e-mail, Web browsing, and links to corporate LANs.

It can also use the emerging Multimedia Messaging Service MMS , which lets you to send fully formatted messages, complete with high-quality images, and even animation. The unobtrusive SecuriKey device is small enough to fit on a key chain and plugs into a standard USB port. In conjunction with a personal password, the key guards access to corporate computers, work- stations, or even laptops that aren’t connected to a network.

Because it’s easy to deploy, the SecuriKey system doesn’t require a full-time squad of securi- ty experts. Its slim, ergonomic design lets you easily move your thumb from the left analog stick to the D-Pad, a cumbersome maneuver on lesser gamepads. The control fea- tures six easy-to-reach fire buttons, two analog shoulder triggers, an eight-way D-Pad, two analog sticks, and two digital thumbstick buttons.

It also has room for two memory expansion slots and a foot connection cable. Best of all, it delivers realistic vibration feedback. Oigital Treo 10 digital audio player. An internal 10GB hard drive makes the Treo capable of storing CDs’ worth of tunes, or about 3, kbps MP3 tracks— all in an eminently portable and attractive package. Its rechargeable lithium-ion battery lasts 6 hours on a single charge.

Digital Treo 10 e. Digital www. One of the sweetest Apples to date. This screamer’s amazing 3D scores come courtesy of its overclocked CPU and graphics processor. Also provides six free bays and three open PCI slots.

A winning combination of price and performance. Ideally suited for demanding home and small-business users in need of a powerful system for work and play. This updated version of the iMac gives budget users plenty to smile about.

Terrific sound quality and a razor-sharp monitor make the C an excellent choice for multimedia and gaming. A multimedia powerhouse that comes outfitted with everything you need for home video editing, including three IEEE FireWire ports. Its only weakness: a skimpy warranty. For real-time pricing, go to shopper. The drop in price is an added bonus. But it’s not all business — the CD-RW drive and hearty speakers let you have some fun as well.

Provides the speed and full feature set mobile users demand in a desktop replacement. Plus, its crisp 1 5-inch display and nearhour battery life is perfect for on-the-road work and play. Incredible battery life meets raw power in this luxurious desktop replacement.

From its solid, full-size keyboard to its lightning-fast processor, ample memory, and large hard drive, this 7. An A-1 choice. Among its many highlights are a three-point autofocus system and a sharp LCD. Feature-packed and simple to operate, this PowerShot produced terrific, highly detailed images, even in low- light situations.

An excellent balance of style and substance. Yes, the Camedia D is ultracompact, but the multitiered menu offers advanced users nearly every feature they could desire. More important, both indoor and outdoor images were sharp and color-accurate. Combines good image quality and plenty of handy functions in a lightweight package. Its bright LCD and well-organized menus are a cut above the competition, but the three quality settings are a bit limiting.

Packs a 3x Carl Zeiss zoom lens and enough features to engage photo enthusiasts for days. Not the best performer under low-light situations, but a champ outdoors and in macro settings. But you may want to look elsewhere if you need the highest level of security or don’t have an always-on Internet connection.

Brings order to your personal finances with excellent long-term-planning tools, straightforward setup, and an attractive new Web-sawy interface. The recent price drop doesn’t hurt, either. Office XP adds loads of incremental improvements, including enhanced collaboration tools for businesses and group users, and recovery features to help prevent lost data.

It may lack any ground-breaking new features, but we relish this small-business accounting program’s easy setup, full customization, and excellent record formats and forms. Sports a streamlined interface and additional protection against e-mail and script-based viruses, as well as the same set of antivirus tools as its predecessor. A must-have for Windows XP users. ProLiant DL Evo”DCMT 1. PCV-RX 1. Monitor and speakers sold separately. ThinkPad A30 1.

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Your Account Executive has the flexibility to to make decisions fast, providing solutions that will improve your business! Regular price is S Sure, puffy promises of utter customer satisfaction and globally significant inventories can be alluring, but what keeps shoppers coming back is on-the-nose pricing, adequate availability, and balanced product information.

There’s nothing more irksome than deceptive pricing. Just ask Alfred Coppola, who found seesawing price dis- crepancies between the print ads of Zony Systems www.

I cross-checked more than a dozen products, and all cost signifi- cantly more on the Web than in the compa- ny’s ad in Computer Shopper. The ad, for the record, does carry the stan- dard stipulation that the company is not responsible for typographical errors, and advises shoppers to consult its Web site for cur- rent pricing.

Still, the parade of incorrect price tags is deeply suspicious, and Coppola rightly complained via e-mail to Zony Systems. The reply? A stinging message saying the company has no interest in his feedback. Zony Systems tells me that the two- month lead time required for magazine ads, coupled with unexpected rising prices for memory and processors, caused the pricing variations. That explanation may be valid for products that employ CPUs and memory, but it doesn’t explain the differences for other products.

While we can’t expect mer- chants to always accurately predict future pricing in their print ads, they should demonstrate a good-faith effort to do so. While we can’t expect merchants to always accurately predict future pricing in their print ads, they should demonstrate a good- faith effort to do so.

Zony Systems appears to have failed on this count, and Computer Shopper is no longer running its ads and will not until the com- pany changes its business practices.

He initially had spot- ted a print ad for the product and went to a local store in Tampa, Fla. The card was unavailable in-store, so Happel headed online and plunked it into his shop- ping cart. At checkout he was informed the PNY card was out of stock on the Web, too. Happel fired off a complaint via e-mail that requested a rain check; instead, he got two mostly canned responses, neither of which adequately addressed his concerns. Eventually, he checked back with the local brick-and-mortar store and found the card at the sale price.

Isn’t that strange? That might keep customers happily shopping, rather than tapping out grievances to me. A third reader demonstrates how praise can turn pernicious. Companies that post only gushing user reviews are deceiving cus- tomers, says Tony Whiteley.

He made this observation after shopping at NewEgg. Flash CompactFlash card, lists only positive user comments. The card did not work in my Polaroid digital camera, and I wanted to let others know,” he says. But it’s true that NewEgg. For the Mr. Flash product, the site listed a whopping 97 five-star reader ratings, out of total reviews. Other user comments were similarly slanted or entirely positive. What’s more, says vice president Jay Tong, negative remarks from unscientific or unqualified sources expose NewEgg.

Nonetheless, Tong says NewEgg. The company should post that proviso prominently — there’s no sense bulldozing hard-earned street cred.

Rik Fairlie is editor of Computer Shopper. Contact him at rik. Computerization pays for itself, saving you thousands of dollars, giving you peace of mind, and making the best use of your time. The source code is available. More Sales! More Customers! Join our dealer program, ffs FREE. It’s the fastest way to make money Harrison Ave. Logic Controls. Our The business takes place at 10 separate venues unrivaled technology solutions, fiercely competitive spanning 1, square miles over 17 days.

As the values and dedicated team of business sales Official Computer Hardware Supplier to the representatives can help meet your business goals as Salt Like Games, Gateway has a full line of well.

Let us champion your success. Call us today. Gateway powers the Olympic Winter Games with great people, great solutions and great value. Prices and configurations subject to change without notice or obligation Prices exclude shipping and handling and taxes o 2. Limited warranties and service agreements apply; visit gateway. Technician will be dispatched, if deemed necessary by Gateway, following other troubleshooting methods. On-site service not available in all locations; you may be required to take or send your product to an authorized service location.

On-site service excludes mice, keyboards, docking stations, external peripherals and monitors. FCC Class A products may not be sold for home use. Maximum data transfer rate dependent upon multiple variables. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the US and other countries. Gateway” L Business Desktop Gateway Series Server Packed with processing power, expandable memory and high-quality graphics tor design and presentations.

I lie power you need at an affordable price. Excellent data storage capacity, advanced features to prevent downtime. Gateway, a leading seller of consumer and business PCs in the country, was named the official computer hardware sponsor of the Olympic Winter Games as well as a sponsor of America’s Olympic Team for and Olympic Committee with more than PCs to help track official event results, statistics and standings for Olympic officials, athletes, coaches, spectators and the media — a large-scale operation requiring Gateway’s world-class technology capabilities powered by Intel” processors.

When the Games are over, The Gateway Foundation will donate virtually all of the computer systems used by the Salr Lake Organizing Committee to schools and community associations across America. Every month, hard drives get roomier, chips get vroomier, notebooks get lighter, and screens get brighter.

Advancements have become so accelerated, in fact, that some hardware technologies have already surpassed Moore’s Law, the principle that computing power doubles every 18 months.

Yet despite all this momentum, PC sales are slumping. It’s easy to blame tight budgets, rising unemployment, and a gener- al consumer realization that most old PCs pack enough power to get by. Or you could blame runaway hardware technology itself, which has outstripped users’ everyday needs, threatening to turn PCs into indistinguish- able commodities. Whatever the cause, com- puter makers are having trouble generating the kind of tingle that energizes people to open their wallets. They should be thinking about clever ways to generate excitement.

I’m talking marketing here. Simply put, the computer industry doesn’t have a clue. Or the promising networking standard Nonpointy-headed types are lobbying for the moniker “Wi-Fi” instead, but so far the s are winning.

Even when they get the names right, few hardware companies have mastered the art of the deal. While Cathay Pacific Airways offers a “free” iPaq when you buy selected first- or business-class round-trip tickets and automakers give away zero-percent financ- ing with the purchase of a car, computer companies go on assuming if they build it, customers will come.

You may get the occa- sional rebate or bundle, but nothing jaw- dropping. One computer company does “think different,” but although Apple has succeeded in making computers seem sexy, The search term “Gateway” topped CNET charts with the highest percentage gain for two straight weeks.

That’s when Gateway ran the kind of clever, eye- catching promotions we rarely see from I computer companies. Before you accuse me of going all Andy Rooney on you, I’m not simply indulging in a finger-wagging harrumph-fest. And after examining the latest search logs on CNET. Toward the end of , the search term “Gateway” stood atop the CNET charts with the highest percentage gain for two consecutive weeks. There’s only one reasonable explanation for this. The campaign started with the so-called preferred family package, which offered con- sumers a fully loaded 1.

The package itself seemed to borrow an idea popular in the auto industry. I’m not saying I like this deal. And conventional wisdom sug- gests hardware gets obsolete in a hurry; lock yourself into a long-term deal, and you’ll still be paying off the old machine long after you’ve gotten a new one.

But conventional wisdom may be wrong here. Today’s machines have fast-enough processors, sufficient RAM, and large enough hard drives that you might easily squeeze four years’ service from them. The scarcest resource today is bandwidth, not processing power. Besides, it’s hard to ignore the allure of doling out small payments over time while getting the benefits on day one.

If you thought the family package was an intriguing opening, Gateway’s follow-up offer, a free LCD with the purchase of a desk- top PC, should close the deal.

Flat-screen LCDs are the latest in tech gotta-haves, just behind digital cameras. Certainly it helped light up CNET search boxes. I’ve even heard of two people who bought new Gateway PCs just to get the monitor.

That I sounds like a successful promotion to me. Only time will tell whether Gateway’s aggressive play can help it recapture lost market share. On the product side, the com- pany has recently released a spate of strong offerings, especially in the notebook arena, that stack up favorably against the competi- tion. Now the trick is to get people talking about Gateway again. So far, so good. Steve Fox steve. For more tech trends, read his weekly “Buzz Meter” column at buzz.

Experience more. You can now enjoy efficient multitasking when using multiple peripherals, quickly edit home movies, digital photos, boost software performance and burn CDs at lightning speed with fast file downloads. With the new and improved 3DNow! Professional technology, download files and surfing the ‘Net while getting Crystal-clear audio enhances digital music and video expe- riences. All brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

All prices and configurations are subject to change without notice or obligation. Original shipping charges and opened software are non-refundable. All returns have to be accompanied with an RMA number and must be in re-salable condition. Atlas Micro Logistic Inc. Apple’s latest iMac is a true work of art. But does it offer consumers anything more than just looks? This is what Apple has understood longer than any other company. Let’s look at its new machine, the flat-screen iMac.

The first thing I thought when I saw the unit was that it looked a lot like the lamp shown in the first Pixar movie, Lxixo Jr. Those I’ve spoken with about it also thought it resembled a lamp. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Some of the best- looking items on a desk are modern Euro- style lamps. This iMac fits right in, and I’m certain it was meant to look like an accom- paniment to a lamp, although the company isn’t saying so. It sure looks better than the clunky attempts PC vendors have made at integrated flat-panel systems.

Many of them put the PC innards into the flat panel rather than the base of the unit, creating a huge clunker of a design that nobody wanted. People will lust after the iMac. Any office with a receptionist will adopt this machine for that front desk, where first impressions are made. The machine is a great impression maker. I also like the price. You can be certain ad agencies and art houses that must project an ultrahip image will flock to this thing.

Professionals such as graphic artists won’t find it very useful, though. They need more power. First of all, 1, by, inch flat panels like the new The new iMac is destined to win Apple a number of international styling awards, and only the most jaded PC user will not see it as a tour deforce of design. Indeed, many of us are already moving toward the to inch flat panels. I was disappointed Apple didn’t have a larger screen, and surprised that the screen had no special features.

We all knew Apple was going to release such a system, and I would have bet money that the company would have employed a swiv- el feature that automatically changed the panel from landscape to portrait.

Instead we got nothing special but the design itself. This brings me to my real concern. How integrated is this system? When I buy a flat- panel display — or any monitor, for that mat- ter — I don’t expect it to be a single-use device.

I expect it to be a monitor I can use with a future computer. If a monitor blows out and they do , I want to be able to quick- ly replace it with a new monitor. The machines are expandable because we like to do a lot of different things with them.

What concerns me about these integrat- ed systems is I can’t take my monitor with me when I upgrade. With Apple’s inte- grated design, it seems unlikely the screen will be easily recycled into the next-genera- tion machine.

I suppose the unit is attractive enough to be turned into a simple digital photo showcase, sitting in a corner flashing pictures of Mom and the cats day and night. It would also make a dandy alarm clock in the bedroom. It’s believed the inch removable version of the machine simply wasn’t ready to show and will appear later this year. Those interested in this machine should be cautious about buying the early units if that’s true.

There’s also a strong belief that the machine has to gravitate toward cordless mouse and keyboard oper- ation. You wouldn’t want this thing falling over when someone pulls on the keyboard too hard. The new iMac marks the beginning of a new trend in computer fashion. The flat panel should begin to dominate the com- puter scene. At Macworld, it was interest- ing to see older iMacs used as aquariums.

Whether or not we like Apple or Steve Jobs, one thing is certain: Apple is becom- ing the Bugatti of PC makers, and its unde- niable influence on the industry and on our perception of computers will be felt by everyone. John C. Reach him at shopper dvorak. All registered and unregistered trademarks are the sole property of their respective companies.

Prices do not include shipping or applicable sales tax. Copyright Systemax Inc. Prices and configurations are subject to change without notice. If your hard drive crashes, the iMASS network keeps working. IT Solution Ideal for small offices or departments of up to users who don’t have extensive IT resources.

Perfect for remote office set-up within larger enterprises. What the Experts are Saying Small business owners and IT departments can relax with this network server appliance that offers quality performance, security and support Along comes the 2. The 2. But there’s more to Northwood than that. The smaller 0. The numbers show the difference. The ABS system’s The Digital 1 maintained a big- ger 12 percent lead over the Poly XP- in the gaming test.

At press time we’d completed testing on only one other 2. When you’re showing off a new CPU, you dress accordingly. The ABS Digital 1 packs powerful components, which is what early adopters expect and want.

The cavernous GB hard drive gives you plenty of room for storage-hungry appli- cations, from games to MP3 to digital video. Matching the speakers to the improved audio out- put available from Creative Labs’ Audigy sound card doesn’t hurt either. ABS caps this gen- erous configuration with a inch Hitachi CM monitor with an 1 8-inch diagonal viewable area. The display delivers a maximum 1 ,by- 1 ,pixel resolution at a flicker- free 75Hz.

The extra-fine 0. With so many good things to say about the Digital 1, it’s too bad we can’t do the same for the service and support ABS offers. The supplied docu- mentation is useful; the illus- trated Quick Start sheet will get you running in no time, and the manual should handle most of your questions.

But the standard three-year parts, lifetime labor warranty is disappointing. The labor is free only if you send the system back for repair at your expense. If ABS ships you the part and you do the repair your- self, the labor’s free only because it’s your labor. Phone support is toll-free, but it’s available only a. ABS’s Web site includes a support section with areas where you can down- load drivers, browse the searchable knowl- edgebase and FAQ listings, and e-mail tech support, but the listings are thin.

If you want more comprehensive support, you’ll have better luck with other vendors. The ABS Digital 1 cut a swath through our performance benchmarks. But novice PC users and those who need strong sup- port to go with their fast computer should look elsewhere. Googlegear makes shopping for one a snap! Our website is easy to use, and our prices are easy to love.

All prices, specif ications, and terms are subject to change without notice. Prices in this ad reflect the price before sales tax where applicable and shipping costs. Picture shown with upgraded options. Original shipping fees along with return shipping charges are non-refundable.

Arrangement for a return must be made within 1 5 days from the date the item is shippe restocking fee applies to all non-defective sys- tems. Intel, Intel Inside Logo, Pentium, and Celeron are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. When work weighs I won’t. Starting at a mere 3. I’m also ultra-mobile. Sleek and stylish – I’m only an inch thin – I’m as easy on the eyes as I am on the shoulders.

I’m wireless ready, thanks to my standard dual wireless antennas and an optional wireless LAN connection. Factor in the extraordinary power of my Intel” Pentium” lll-M Processor at up to 1. And since you get a direct relationship with Dell, you can customize all of this technology according to your needs.

I’m living proof that big things do come in small packages. Taxes and shipping charges extra, and vary. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. To receive Next-Business-Day service, Deil most notify service provider before 5pm depending on service contract customer’s time Availability varies For hard s. GB means 1 billion bytes; accessible capacity varies with operating environment. Analog phone line and compatible server required. Weight is v. Weights vary depending on configurations and manufacturing variability Monthly payment is based on a month Your interest rate and monthly payment be same or higher.

QuickLoan is from CIT OnLine Bank to small business customers with approved credit CompleteCare service excludes theft, loss and damage due to fire or intentional damage.

CompleteCare is currently not available in all states. Offer valid on hardware products only. Applicable taxes, fees and shipping not included. Please contact your Dell Financial Services representative for further details. Dell, the stylized E logo. And it looks good, too. About the size of a pizza box, the black-and-silver D can sit horizontally as a desktop or vertically as a tower. Compaq provides a stand for the latter position. Inside lies Intel’s latest 1.

A roomy 5,rpm 20GB hard drive completes the basic setup. It’s also available with Windows Although integrated graphics systems tend to hobble performance, the D’s speed in mainstream applications far exceeded that of comparable sys- tems such as the Hewlett-Packard e-PC 40 and the Dell SmartStep D.

The one performance area in which the Evo D failed to impress was 3D graphics, not surprising given the integrated Intel graphics engine, which uses 4MB of system memory. Graphics pros and CAD users would need a system with a full-fledged, power- ful graphics card. But slimline PCs like the Evo D are built to balance performance with space- efficiency, manageability, and ease of use.

Take the D’s modular design; it includes a lockable MultiBay drive bay that’s compatible with many of Compaq’s Evo notebooks. We also appreciate the built-in speaker, which sounds good enough for business audio and eliminates the need for bulky external speakers.

A Bluetooth option is also available. In our informal tests, the module worked like a charm. Within seconds of booting the sys- tem, Windows XP Professional detected our wireless router, and in short order we were surfing the Web. Compaq, com Shopper Price It! The legacy-free D serves up five USB ports — four at the rear, one in front the one in front is situat- ed alongside the headphone and microphone jacks.

We liked the periph- erals that came with the Evo D as much as we liked the computer. The crisp, bright 1 5-inch display is a big improvement over most 1 7-inch CRTs we’ve seen, and it’s a space- and energy-saver too. We also liked the springy black keyboard, with its eight programmable quick-launch buttons. Compaq’s exemplary warranty covers parts, labor, and onsite ser- vice for three years. Toll-free tech- nical help is available all day, every day.

The company also offers a variety of service-and-support upgrade “CarePaqs. We could have used it, if only to figure out how to remove the plastic panels from the rear and side of the case. Loosening the pair of thumbscrews should have afforded easy access, but for some reason it didn’t. The Compaq Evo D Ultra-Slim capably juggles the charms of slimline PCs — the slender profile and ease of use — with the inherent compromises in expand- ability and performance.

It’s faster than other slimlines we’ve tested, and its modu- lar bays and ports make it more flexible as well. If you’re going to go slimline, it’s one of the best solutions we’ve seen. Boot and load applications quickly. Enjoy efficient multitasking when using multiple peripherals and a responsive, rich Internet experience. And that’s just the beginning! Systemax Ascent PCs come with a 3. Outlook, Publisher and Small Business Tools.

Systemax Inc Prices and configurations are subject to change without notice It’s like having a highly paid Tech Guy on staff.

Without the highly paid part. Once again, tomorrow’s technology. All this makes it the most powerful all-in-one desktop with the smallest footprint you will come across. The LP comes with the Logitech’ multimedia wireless keyboard and optical mouse which allows full control of all the multimedia functions this system offers.

Be the first on your block with the ultimate desktop- call Sager today. O by Midern Computer, Inc. Prices and specifications are subiect to change without notice. Opened soft ware and shipping charges are non-refundable. CD-RW write and re-write speeds vary and list only the maxi- mum possible speed. Actual speeds may vary depending on line conditions and current FCC restrictions. AMD J! The result: the fastest PC we’ve tested so far. This system runs games at an amazing speed.

Much of the Mach V’s muscle comes from its VisionTek Xtasy graphics card, based on nVidia ‘s new GeForce3 Ti graphics processor, which already looks like the fastest game performer available. Falcon gives it a little extra boost by overclocking the card’s processor and memory to MHz and MHz, respectively.

As a result, it delivers the best 3D scores and the second-best Quake performance we’ve seen. And it deliv- ers between 5 percent and 1 1 percent better performance on average over the rest of the systems in its class.

Despite the overclocked CPU and graphics card, the Mach V remained rock- stable during game and benchmark test- ing, running everything from Max Payne to Microsoft Flight Simulator with- out a glitch. This stability isn’t surprising when you consider the care the company puts into each system.

The configuration checklist has grown to two packed pages, detailing how the technicians check every BIOS, Windows, and preinstalled-software setting to avoid conflicts and maximize performance. Falcon puts similar care into construction; inside, all cables are wrapped out of the way to maximize airflow from the five case fans. Audio comes from Klipsch’s aurally astonishing ProMedia 5. The flat-screen ViewSonic PF inch CRT monitor hogs desk space, but it pro- vides an extremely sharp display and fast refresh rates.

Our only com- plaint about the pre- vious Mach V we reviewed was its lightweight key- board. This model came with a Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro, which is better suited to the rigors of gaming. The system looks as good as it performs, thanks to its brushed-aluminum, tool-free case, nicely accented by bright- blue power and drive LEDs. You’ll find plenty of room for additional expansion, with six open drive bays and two free PCI slots. Keep in mind virtually every component of the Mach V is customizable, though the software options are minimalist: Easy CD Creator 5.

Falcon’s build-it-yourself Web site lets you specify every component, or you can choose models preconfigured for various types of games. Online support comes up short, however. You can’t search for a par- ticular item, and the site supplies only limited driver updates. Fortunately, the company’s tech-support representatives are refreshingly knowledgeable about both hardware and gaming.

The standard parts-and-labor warranty lasts only one year, but Falcon pays for overnight ship- ping in both directions. Aside from its wallet-slimming cost, you really have to stretch to find a down- side to this system. It’s a digital music player that sup- ports just about every audio-storage medium this side of the turntable.

It’s a video-editing workstation, a DVD player, and a digital video recorder. It’s a TV and an FM radio. It’s also a PC, but its PC features seem almost an afterthought. The system comes extremely well- equipped for multimedia production. In the spot where you’d expect to find a floppy drive, Sony instead places a MiniDisc recorder.

It schedules and records programs via a built-in TV tuner, saving them to the hard drive. For a top-of- the-line entertainment PC with a corre- spondingly high price, you expect top-of- the-line performance. More troubling, the 1. Sony doesn’t bundle displays with its systems. But at 15 inches, it’s too small for a system that’s supposed to double as an enter- tainment center, especially when watching letterboxed DVDs.

But though the sound is surprisingly rich and clear, a 5. The cramped keyboard has tiny function keys and poorly placed navigation and editing keys. What’s more, laptop-like key combinations are required to access page-navigation keys. Less exciting, the warranty lasts just a year — a mere 90 days, should you forget to regis- ter — and Sony offers no upgrade options or onsite service.

It does serve up a full array of online support tools, however. But poor component choices result in mediocre performance as a PC. New systems feature a dual antenna system that’s integrated right into the display of select models. But why is that better, you ask? Well, the display provides a large surface area that sits above the system when in use – making the IBM ThinkPad ” notebook extremely effective at sending and receiving wireless signals.

But when it comes to revolutionary design, that’s only a starting point. You see, value and innovation are hereditary traits shared by the entire ThinkPad family. And that may be why they’ve won over awards to date. So choose any of our new notebooks – including the remarkably affordable ThinkPad R Series – and you’ll get innovation dialed up to It’ll bring advanced mobility, premium security, enhanced reliability and greater networking options to your IBM systems.

Li-Ion battery 5. Simply contact us to order it at an additional cost. Li-Ion battery 3. IBM makes no representation or warranty regarding third-party products or services. Product activation procedures and Microsoft’s privacy policy will be detailed during initial launch of the product, or upon certain reinstallations of the software product s or reconfigurations of the computer, and may be completed by Internet or telephone toll charges may apply Memory supports both system and video.

Software license agreements may apply. A description of the environment under which the test was performed is available at ibm. Telephone support may be subject to additional charges.

For onsite service, cusfomer may be asked certain diagnostic questions before a technician is sent. Reseller prices may vary. SuccessLease terms and conditions provided by the third party. Featured monthly lease payments include prespecified purchase option at end of lease, to qualified business customers only, installing in the US.

Documentation fee and first month’s payment due at lease signing; taxes are additional. Offer may be withdrawn or changed without notice. Options cannot be leased separately.

IBM reserves the right to alter product offerings and specifications at any time, without notice. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Aside from all the accolades, new M, A and X Series desktops also offer four unique design profiles, so you won’t have to force fit PCs to match your working environment anymore. Plus, nearly all new models are available with the power of an Inter Pentium” 4 processor, and feature common system boards for easier upgrades and management.

Of course, nothing can help you tie everything together like IBM. That’s probably why IBM is the 1 supplier of servers in the U. Direct To You Call toll free 1 or Click www. Sonera agreemens my apply. For onsite serv. Documentation tee and first month’s payment due at lease i signing; taxes are additional. Offer may be withdrawn or changed ITutoS Options cannot be leased separately.

Maximum memory and hard drive capacity may require the replacement of standard component with largest supported component available. Numbers given for storage capacities give capacity in native mode followed by capacity using data compression technology. IBM cannot be responsible for photographic or typographic errors. Intel, Intel lns. Sd trademarks , Intel Corporation or ,ts subsidiar. Microsoft and Windows are reg. Other company, product and serv.

Audigy 5. Monterey Park. DVD opt. Keyboard, and Ext. Lifetime toll-free technical support. One year parts and labor warranty. Call a ProStar representative for details. All other companies and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Dealer price is not subject to 30 days money back guarantee proqram. Opened software and shipping charges are nonrefundable. Not responsible for photo or typographical errors. Price and terms subject to change without notice. Despite its less than audiophile-worthy sound, the could be the most cost-effective solution we’ve seen for desktop-theater fans on a budget.

The instead comes equipped with six analog inputs that must be connected to a Dolby decoder. But ordinary stereo sound cards won’t do. We found the Inspire ‘s six analog inputs do generate far higher noise levels than would a digital signal, but its modest 1 8-watt bass unit and five 6-watt satellites pump out surprising- ly high volume levels and a low end that extends well into the mid-bass registers.

The system produces little deep bass and lacks the punch possible only with a larger subwoofer, but it has no problem reproducing kick drums and bass guitar. The ‘s midrange does exhibit minor colorations, and high frequen- cies are plagued by a harshness that becomes strident at high volume. Nonetheless, the sys- tem’s overall sound quality and dynamic range remain impressive for the price. The offers a few nifty features, including a tethered handheld remote and the ability to automatically synthe- size a front-center signal from two- or four-channel input.

Unfortunately, the system’s abysmal documentation makes it difficult to know how to activate the latter feature without technical assistance. The Creative Labs Inspire 5. If you’ve only got a hun- dred dollars to burn on a 5. A state-of-the-art inkjet, the Photosmart has a sleek and rounded body clad in a gray and slate-silver color scheme, and houses a distinc- tive 2. Measuring 7.

Connectivity is the Photosmart ‘s strong point. The printer also supports all the usual paper types, including banners, envelopes, trans- parencies, and labels, and works under Windows 98, Me, , and XP, and Mac OS 8. In our tests, the Photosmart cranked out an 8. It proved to be a speedy text printer, too, generating 3. The ‘s photo quality was disappoint- ing. Our test photos looked dark and over- saturated, containing a bit too much red and exhibiting poor flesh tones.

On graphics prints, however, the Photosmart shone. We observed excellent color matching, sharp details, fine lines, and smooth gradients. Expect a page of plain text to cost you around 3. One is its one-piece tricolor car- tridge; you’ll have to dispose of it when just one color runs out. Telephone support is offered via a toll call six days a week.

The HP Photosmart Photo Printer provides more features than many competing inkjets, but at a lofty price. It’s a serious option for enthusiasts who seek fast output, serious digital-media connectivity, and PC-less operation. Sat A. We liked the S3’s solid, stainless-steel body and efficient menu system.

We were able to navigate quickly with the Game Boy-style control. Despite the camera’s tiny size, its controls are all conveniently placed. A lithium-ion battery pack, which resembles a plump stick of chewing gum, provides the power. The camera also allows for exposure compensation, and you can shoot 2-, 4-, or 8-second timed exposures. Of the S3’s three metering modes, we got the best results using the spot and center-weighted options. We found it hard to shoot spontaneously with the S3.

If we didn’t first set the focus properly, the camera paused for up to 2 sec- onds after we pressed the shutter button. To compensate for this, the S3 lets you set the lens on continuous focus, but this function shortens the already paltry battery life. The S3’s image quality was adequate only for casual snapshots. Our test images showed good color balance in properly exposed shots taken under indoor tungsten light- ing and outdoor light, but the camera had difficulty capturing dark details against a bright background.

We also noticed blown-out highlights, as well as artifacts on transitions between light and dark. The Kyocera Finecam S3’s small size and elegant design are pluses for users who snap lots of pictures on the go, but its limited feature set and spotty performance may not satisfy demanding photo buffs.

This boast caught our eye, because an adequately bright LCD is usually a welcome surprise. With a maximum resolution of 1, by pixels and a rated brightness of candelas per square meter a higher rating means a brighter screen , the Solarism LM is about three times brighter than a typical LCD. To optimize your view, you can swivel the screen both horizontally 40 degrees left and right and vertically 15 degrees up, 3 degrees down , though it I does takes some effort to do so.

On the back of the display, you’ll find an array of analog video-in and audio-in connectors. The LM is equipped with one VGA connector, two composite-video ports, an S- Video port, and two sets of stereo- audio inputs, as well as a line-in audio input. The Solarism has no digital connections. In our DisplayMate tests, we viewed the monitor at various brightness levels, always looking for the best possible display quality.

We actually had to turn the brightness down for comfortable viewing; the image looked best at 75 percent brightness. Unfortunately, the screen’s glow wasn’t evenly distributed by its backlight. Also, we found the LMl’s front-mounted, three-button display controls confusing.

The monitor is covered by a solid three-year warranty, but it’s valid only for the original purchaser. Tech support is a toll call, available only during weekday business hours.

The Solarism LM would be a good choice for those who frequently give presen- tations in lots of ambient light, but in this case, brightness does have its drawbacks, especially in the area of image quality. It’s a well-rounded system for families and home-office workers. Low Price. Peace of Mind. For versatile computing, MicronPC has you covered. Your senses can contemplate each and every nuance of the digital multimedia kaleidoscope – crisp digital pictures, colorful graphics, smooth video, theater-like audio, and intense 3-D graphics.

CALL 1. Sociodemographic characteristics, behaviors, and test results of healthy young women with immature and mature cervical epithelium. In this clinical setting, the CVL samples would include immune factors derived from cervical and vaginal sources. However, vaginal sources would not be expected to differ between the immature and mature groups as the CVL technique was applied consistently across groups.

Thus the focus was on the type of cervical epithelium as the main difference between groups. The colpophotography and computerized planimetry techniques enabled objective clinical definitions and the application of quantitative measures, which minimized misclassification of cervical immaturity. Our results were consistent with prior in vitro work that found a columnar-derived cervical epithelial cell line to produce higher levels of IL-8 compared to a squamous-derived cell line in the basal non-stimulated state Fichorova and Anderson Although these prior studies characterized immune parameters according to epithelial cell type, they were unable to examine the overall in vivo milieu which includes cytokines secreted into the cervical mucous from multiple sources, the presence of immune cells in the epithelium, and other potentially influential factors such as smoking, hormones, and menstrual cycle Scott et al.

Our study highlights the importance of identifying the cervical epithelial composition when interpreting data from clinical microbicide trials and epidemiological studies of STI risk. The type of cervical epithelium may act as a confounder, especially in younger populations who exhibit varying extents of cervical immaturity. The difference between our immature and mature groups was highly significant, but the implications are unclear.

However, this hypothesis assumes that a stronger or quicker inflammatory response is more protective. Alternatively, a higher cytokine profile could foreshadow a tendency towards a more severe inflammatory response that leads to harmful tissue sequelae. For example in C. The cellular paradigm proposes that inflammation is initiated and sustained by the infected epithelial cells via cytokine and chemokine secretion Stephens Conversely, the immunological paradigm proposes that Chlamydial -specific adaptive T cell responses are largely responsible for collateral tissue damage Brunham and Peeling Our study examined only healthy non-infected women and the implications for infection can only be speculative without further study.

Future prospective studies will be critical for understanding the role of cervical epithelial type in acquisition of infection and the immune response during active infection. The main limitation of our study is the small sample size that does not support a more extensive analysis of possible covariates. However, the results were striking and remained significant in the multivariate models.

In the data analyses, we conservatively estimated the very low values to be at the highest possible cut-off for the sensitivity limit thereby maximizing a type II error; yet the differences remained highly significant. Normative values are difficult to define given the dynamic nature of cytokines and the immune response. A focus on the comparisons rather than the absolute values may be most relevant until cytokine profiles and their measurement are better understood.

Although we tested the commonly known genital infections, there may also be unknown microbes associated with immature epithelium that influence cytokine profiles. Our initial selection of cytokines could not address the certainly complex array of immune factors comprising the host defense. Investigating a wider repertoire of immune factors and identifying specific cell sources were outside our study scope.

Finally, the women in our sample represented a sexually mature group well beyond puberty. This homogeneity supported our focus on cervical immaturity as the main variable, but future studies to characterize the biology of the immune response in younger adolescents are warranted.

STI risk is greatest in younger adolescents, but this population is the most difficult to study clinically because of the inherent difficulty in conducting pelvic examinations and collecting biological samples in very young adolescents, especially those who are not sexually active.

In conclusion, this study found that higher levels of cervicovaginal cytokines are associated with a more immature columnar and metaplastic cervical epithelium compared to a more mature squamous epithelium. Future clinical studies of cervicovaginal immune markers and therapeutic trials of cervicovaginal agents should incorporate quantitative measures of cervical epithelial composition.

A better understanding of mucosal immunity specifically in adolescent women will inform efforts to prevent and treat STIs in this high-risk population. The funders had no role in the conduct of the research. The contents of this manuscript are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

Publisher’s Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final citable form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

J Reprod Immunol. Author manuscript; available in PMC Jan 1. Loris Y. Hwang , M. Scott , M. Mark E. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Hwang, M. Copyright notice. The publisher’s final edited version of this article is available at J Reprod Immunol. Abstract Young women aged 15—24 years have the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections STIs.

Keywords: adolescent women, cervical epithelial maturation, mucosal immunity, sexually transmitted infections, uterine cervix. Materials and Methods 2. Open in a separate window. Figure 1. Results This young sample had an overall mean age of Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics, behaviors, and test results of healthy young women with immature and mature cervical epithelium.

Footnotes Publisher’s Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. Nonspecific vaginitis. Diagnostic criteria and microbial and epidemiologic associations. Am J Med. An analysis of transformations. Chlamydia trachomatis antigens: Role in immunity and pathogenesis. Infect Agents Dis. Sexually transmitted disease surveillance, Secretion of cytokines and chemokines by polarized human epithelial cells from the female reproductive tract.

Hum Reprod. Differential expression of immunobiological mediators by immortalized human cervical and vaginal epithelial cells. Biol Reprod. Genotyping of 27 human papillomavirus types by using L1 consensus pcr products by a single-hybridization, reverse line blot detection method. J Clin Microbiol.


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