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Abrams, Dominic , Palmer, Sally B. Developmental Psychology, 50 1. Abrams, Dominic , Travaglino, Giovanni A. Leader racism inhibits transgression credit. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44 7. Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy, 14 1. Modern Language Quarterly, 75 4. Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society, 23 9.
Biochemistry, 53 Bulletin of Economic Research, 66 S1. Supply Chain Management, 19 3. Acquaye, Adolf , Yamoah, F , Feng, K An integrated environmental and fairtrade labelling scheme for product supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, Adamek, Nancy and Geeves, Michael A. Experientia Supplementum, Springer, pp. ISBN Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 47 Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 44 2. KAR id Afrifa, G.
International Journal of Current Research, 6 1. ISSN X. Episteme, 11 4. Philosophical Quarterly, 64 McNamara, Paul S , and Zhang, Qibo hide Cross-reactive immunity against influenza viruses in children and adults following pandemic H1N1 infection. Antiviral Research, British Food Journal, 6. Akoensi, Thomas D Governance through power sharing in Ghanian prisons: a symbolic relationship between officers and inmates.
Prison Service Journal, Unpublished The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. International Journal of Management Academy, 2 1. Al Nasser, Turki Abdullah M. Al-Hasni, B. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Al-Tabbaa, O. AlRifai, A , Seitanidi, M.
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Brepols, pp. A cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a randomised controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, The Independent,. Booth, Robert and Sharma, Dinkar Working memory load elicits attentional bias to threat. In: Kaniasty, K. Stress and anxiety: Applications to social and environmental threats, psychological well-being, occupational challenges, and developmental psychology.
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The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20 1. Bowman, Christopher , Cox, Anton Decomposition numbers for Brauer algebras of type G m,p,n in characteristic zero. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 6. Bowman, Glenn W. State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide, 32 2. Ashgate, pp. In: Choreographies of Shared Sacred Sites. Jerusalem Quarterly, Syracuse University Press, pp. Sociological Review, 62 S2. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Mercier Press, Cork. Bracci, E.
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Juvenile Delinquency East-West Perspectives. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. LSE Review of Books,. Bradshaw, J. Challenge, Winter. Bradshaw, Jill Commentary on ‘Evaluation of the impact of supervisory support on staff experiences of training’. Tizard Learning Disability Review, 19 2.
Bradshaw, Jill Music, Language and Autism. Tizard Disability Learning Review, 19 3. Bradshaw, Jill , Beadle-Brown, Julie , Leigh, Jennifer S , Whelton, Beckie , Richardson, Lisa Quality of communication support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in supported accommodation settings. Bradu, Adrian , Podoleanu, Adrian G. Optics Letters, 39 3.
Biomedical Optics Express, 5 4. Brain, Kate E. BMC Cancer, Bramwell, D. PRUComm The full text of this publication is not currently available from this repository. Brandt, Mark J. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Reality monitoring of everyday actions. Brazaki, E , Krasonikolakis, I. Breen, David P. JAMA Neurology, 71 5. Breeze, Beth Great British Philanthropy: Growing a fellowship of donors to support local communities.
Breeze, Beth Philanthropic Journeys: new insights into the triggers and barriers for long-term giving and volunteering. Pilotlight KAR id Breitsohl, J. In: Handbook of Strategic e-Business Management. Progress in IS. Brenker, Frank E. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 49 9. Bresnen, M. A case study and interview-based exploration of the use of management knowledge across communities of practice in health-care organisations.
Report number: National Institute of Health Research doi: Exploring the use of management knowledge across communities of practice in healthcare organisations. BMC Psychiatry, 14 1. Breuer, Lothar , Badescu, Andrei A generalised Gerber-Shiu measure for Markov-additive risk processes with phase-type claims and capital injections.
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 23 3. European Journal of Operational Research, 2. Bristol, Rachel M. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 3 3. Bristowe, N. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26 In: Charlton, Susannah and Harwood, Elain , eds. Batsford, London, p. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy British Library. Batsford, London, pp. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Beauty and the Brutalists.
The Tablet, Brittain-Catlin, Timothy ‘Carlo Scarpa’ book review. World of Interiors, April. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Classic book: beautiful visions. C20, 2. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Dictator chic. Architectural Review, Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Fruits of her labour. World of Interiors, Nov. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Full House. World of Interiors, July. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Gleaming spires. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy If walls could talk. Review of: Bricks and mortals by Wilkinson, Tom.
English Heritage, 11 pp. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Kentish pleasures. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy ‘Mies’ [book review]. Review of: Mies by Mertins, Detlef. World of Interiors, Oct. Internet publication via Issuu.
Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Postmodernism. Brick Bulletin, Winter. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Ripple Effect. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Time and tide. World of Interiors, June. Architecture today, Brittain-Catlin, Timothy ‘An exuberant catalogue of dreams’ book review. Review of: An exuberant catalogue of dreams: the Americans who revived the country house in Britain by Aslet, Clive.
Brittain-Catlin, Timothy A flow of fir. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy A little glass of violets in the home-place. In: Moloney, Alison , ed. Brittain-Catlin, Timothy The mustachioed Modernist. Brodbeck, Jeannette , Bachmann, Monica S. Addiction, 8. Brookes, Nadia and Callaghan, Lisa Shared Lives – improving understanding of the costs of family-based support.
University of Kent, pp. Social Innovation for social cohesion: Transnational patterns and approaches from 20 European cities. WILCO, pp. Brookhouse, James and Otero, Fernando E. Brooks, Helen E. Stage Mothers: Women, Work and the Theatre, The Oxford Handbook of the Georgian Theatre Oxford University Press.
Mathematische Nachrichten, In: CSCW ‘ Brown, Christopher , Pappous, Athanasios In the quest of evidence: Designing an investigation into the sport participation legacies of the London Paralympic Games. Unpublished Access to this publication is currently restricted. Brown, Neil C. In: Proceedings of the tenth annual conference on International computing education research. Article Number 9. Florian Wettstein.
Sophia Vakhidova. Bill Baue. Lance Moir , Kai Hockerts. Based on an inductive study we analyse the role of the investor relations IR function in the light of rising investor concern about Corporate Social Responsibility CSR.
The study draws on interviews with IR professionals in twenty firms. It highlights their awareness of CSR issues as well as their assessment of concern among mainstream investors and socially responsible investors SRIs.
Darshi Fernando. Timothy Nash. Matthew Burnett-Stuart. This paper analyses only the results of the mapping of companies, multi-stakeholder initiatives MSIs , and stock exchanges. This paper is divided into three sections. The first section deals with the analysis of a selected number of companies, the second with the survey of MSIs and the third with stock exchanges and their listing requirements. Each section breaks down the trends and gaps in their language pertaining to specific human rights and reporting mechanisms.
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