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В чем дело? – рявкнул он и замолчал, внимательно слушая собеседника. Сьюзан на какое-то время забыла про Хейла. Она молила Бога, чтобы Стратмору звонил Дэвид.



Robot or human?


We can make beautiful love together, Brenda. You and me toasting in 15 different languages. Offering ourselves to Pan and Bacchus. Marry me Brenda! I mean not when I was drunk I sat in the cafeteria I had to sit at the table with my hands folded. They were shaking I’m just pissed off. I want to run over to her and grab her. Shake her. My dear Brenda. We ALL shake sometimes. It can be low blood sugar, nerves, a random twitch. You think it’s alcohol because you believe this crap. If they say alcoholism gives you pimples and you get a pimple My blonde athletic British Brenda.

You have the rebel in you. Why do you cave in? I’m getting very uncomfortable. I know this is not the place for me. They’ve turned themselves over to a bunch of mind-manipulating nonsense.

Next to speak is an attractive dark-haired boy in a suit. He’s got a thin smooth face, dark hair and the kind of innocent eyes that make you want to bend him over. These meetings are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

But it’s true. You go to work. You come home and then what? What else is there? He may be in the AA clutches, but there’s a spark. Some kind of thinking, awareness of life. I’m gonna talk to him after the meeting. Invite him out for a drink. Eric rambles a bit. He talks about someone at work, a girl at the office.

She offered everyone a brownie. There’s rum in them I ran to the bathroom. Spit it up in the toilet It wouldn’t eet me drunk. One brownie Just that brownie What would’ve happened? They don’t have to. He stumbles. But you never know. I mean, it wouldn’t be good. Besides me, the only non-speakers are one of the old bums, a fat guy with a bushy beard, the guy next to me with the yarmulke, a big guy with hands like hamhocks who, for much of the meeting, closes his eyes and rocks back and forth like a Jew in prayer.

The only female not to speak is a late-thirty looking woman in a grey skirt suit. She starts after Eric. Gail’s life is busy at the office. Then, one of the women in the next office was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was on chemotherapy and very weak.

The woman upstairs needed help. She can’t walk well. Sne might slip in the rain. I’ll help her, I thought. Then I stopped myself. I’ve been a martyr enough to alcohol. I’m using this helping as an excuse to miss a meeting. Which is more important? So I left the woman. She’ll find a way. But, I made the right decision. I’m at this meeting. I leave the meeting. On a run. Through the rain.

Back onto the subway. Back home. When I walk through the door, I start to shake, get the sweats, feel nauseous. I have to lie down. Take my temperature. AA voodoo? Nope, I’m okay. It’s just low blood sugar. I have a slice of bread and feel hunky-dory Well, is AA a cult? I rate it cult. At least it’s a religion. I ask Gunaahm, a pal of mine, recently lost to the AA-ites. It keeps us sober. It is a lobotomy. No, it’s a deal with Satan. You give up your freedom.

Admit you have no control. But don’t challenge the rules, or you’ll die. Jeezus fuckin’ Christ. That’s a deal? I need a drink. Nope, I decide to have a drink. Get it? There are just too many to keep up with. At least that’s what it says on the front. They go from hardcore to keyboard reggae and back to hardcore like I go from boy to girl and back to boy. If you can, write in Spanish At least that’s what it sounded like when I put it in the CD player.

Noise noise noise with hardcore stuck in there somewhere. I was wrong. Tne CD starts with a video, some moshing, some stills, a lot of crowd shots. I thought “Video Interactivo’ was the name of the song! You can hear their angry stuff for yourself. Just contact ’em at ataquefrontal hotmail. I think they’re from Peru, but it doesn’t say. His name is Philip Jose Farmer. He’s a science fiction writer, who in his later years went off the deep end. Deep end is right. I just read Image of The Beast and I’m still laughing.

Is that a big enough genre to parody? Read it and weep Don’t miss a human headed snake, with a goatee, that comes out of her snatch to crawl up his asshole. According to the paper, The Mongolian chorus of the song called “Song to Mother, “in Mongolian goes “I love you so much, mother I always need my mother’s love.

Dept: I’m not gonna tell you anything about this one, except that she should send me email right away! My address as usual is listed above. Punk Rock vs. The World This month I’m up in the air.

I’ve been running around, playing shows ana seeing oands. Drinking too many beers, reading Slag and Lettuce late into the night, falling asleep in the van on the way back to Boston, hanging out with friends until I run out of words, RaNSoM No. Through it all, music follows me everywhere. This column has an included sound track, so press PLAY now and turn the volume up. If you get lost, just turn the page when you hear the tone.

Just before Thanksgiving, I woke up to find my window box under three inches of snow. Things run hot and cold. Life is a horror show. The American war machine continues to rage ahead and things look bloody on the horizon. Bush and gang continue to ignore the growing anti-war protests of people around the world. The guitars crunch tight and the drums rally. On November 9, an estimated , people rallied in Florence, Italy to protest globalization, neo-liberal policies and US plans to attack Iraq.

Tens of thousands of people in both Berlin and Barcelona also protested against the recent US saber rattles. In the last couple of months, cities all across the US have seen their largest anti-war protests since Vietnam. Even tired punks like myself got out into the streets and rallied. That fucking-cowboy-corporate-hick-President sure sticks to his six shooters. It’s mostly women and their children, you know, who are filling the shelter homes past capacity at this time when the world grows cold.

According to the US census, over 30 million people-about one in ten-now live below the poverty line in the richest country in the world. Right now, one in every fifteen children in the United States lives at less than half of the poverty level, and doesn’t get enough food. Another day in the fucked up USA. Chavo yells by himself, “It’s not my imagination. I’ve got a gun in my back Everyone, including your elementary school teachers, are being required to hand over what was before considered private information.

The American Civil Liberties Union reported on their website this month www. He’s another 80s-era right wing dick making a comeback. When I hear my modem dial or pick up the phone, I assume I’m patched right into the Feds. I do what I want, but I keep Big Brother in mind. At the benefit for the Baltimore 28 at the Bloodshed I heard Adam belt out, “We’re all afraid of getting hurt, we’re all fucked up on high alert We are living through some seriously fucked up times.

I have an image of Nixon in the back room laughing his ass off as our hard-won civil rights are being reversed so quickly.

Congress just gave up and signed on the dotted line. Kids, don’t grow up to be spineless bastards. It took Attorney General Ashcroft only a little over a week to draft the bill, ana he demanded Congress pass the law immediately. Nixon gives a wide grin and says; “Now we can legally spy on people without a warrant, and imprison them-indefinite- ly-without a hearing.

Isn’t that a hoot? He said before the Senate, “Of course, there is no doubt that if we lived in a police state, it would be easier to catch terrorists.. Thanks for standing up. If I lived in Wisconsin, I’d shake your hand. I’m feeling hopeful. I turn the master volume on my guitar amp up and scream like hell. I let my fingers follow the power chords, the distortion bathes over me, ana I lose myself in the chorus.

I let my rage escape into the atmosphere. Punk, if anything, is a good spit in the eye of those who claim authority over us. And that makes me laugh and join the circle pit. You fuckers! Punk is a homemade sticker that says, “Fuck Bush and This Unjust War” that you didn’t expect to see at the bus stop on the way to work.

Punk is some guy I saw at the Nashville airport with his two-foot mohawk up, just asking to be harassed in the security check. Punk is fucking thinking for your self. Punk, especially during fucked up times like these, is not letting the bastards get you down. In my CD player for the hundredth time, “My life, no regrets, that’s fine Punk is having the guts and the conviction to say what you believe in, even when the goons are bigger than you are.

Powerful military-esque snare drum rattles off, “Fuck them. I’ve chosen to make my stand, against what I feel is wrong with this land. They just sit with their overfed arses, feeding off the sweat of the less fortunate classes. Sometimes, people will surprise you. It turned out to be the largest ana most diverse rotest I’ve been to in the ten years I’ve been living in Boston, etween fifteen and thirty thousand people gathered to yell a loud and clear “Hell no!

My favorite signs were poster boards taped to hockey sticks. My two sisters in arms and I were dressed as “Witches Against War. It was fun, and I felt hopeful knowing so many people aren’t buying into the establishment propaganda that says it’s OK to bomb the hell out of other countries just because we say so.

My favorite sign was big and neon green with large black letters. Sounds of people milling about, talking, band tuning up. Not too many shows I go to have women in all of the bands, and it was a refreshing change from the usual guy-dominated scene. It was a show were all of the bands completely rocked, there where no fights, it was BYO in a cup, the cops didn’t show up, everyone danced, Gro got to come with us from Boston, we didn’t get lost on the way to the show, and a little money was actually raised for an innovative project.

Imagine that! It was a beautiful day. I even got to hang out with Megan. A big thanks to Ari and Lizxnn for putting it all together, and to everyone there. We nad so much fun at Dumba that Adam’s guitar cord was ripped apart. The end literally separated, leaving an empty plug in his amp with frayed wires sticking out. I took to the higher ground of the small stage as people danced furiously around the small room, and I saw Adam get smashed backwards into his amp.

My guitar and mic got unplugged, we threw sparkles and army men, we laughed and played loud and fast ana brutal, and I let out all my pent up aggression at the world.

Let me leave you with one last song. Is this how you want things to be? Question authority. STOP tape. Endless Ransom Notes: 1. It was in Farmingdale, about 45 minutes east of the Brooklyn Bridge. The lace looked like it used to be a repair garage, with a cement oor, and a bay door at the entrance. There were maybe sixty people at the show, and it was fun as hell.

Cheers to everyone, except for the guy who molested a young girl at the show. Your time will come Speaking of dicks, I saw two at the Long Island show. What is it with drummers? What a long column this month! You can check out my band’s website at www. We are planning another US tour again in early June. If you can help out with shows, or want to drop a line, please get in touch at theprofits punks. Most often, women prisoners are ignored, silenced or demonized by mainstream media.

This ‘zine includes excellent writings by women about abuse by guards, the prison system, racism, and fighting for basic rights. Write to V. Poverty is terrorism. Licensed to Ill Agoraphobia is a fucking weird thing. Folks who’ve got it know all about it. And the folks who don’t, well, I guess they can just imagine. I talk a lot about the tag-team bullshit of Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia in my column.

And from what I can tell, people are hip to the Panic Disorder. Just about everybody can relate to the experience of just being overcome with unexplainable dread, fear, unreality, and a strong sense of urgent and impending doom.

But regular folks seem to have a harder time wrapping their head around the idea of agoraphobia. Agoraphobia kind of manifests itself out of the routine and avoidance of panic.

I mean, panic attacks are so fucking shitty. That’s really the crux of agoraphobia: the avoidance. Anyway, I read a metaphor in a book once that did a good job of explaining how you make the jump from Panic Disorder to Agoraphobia. I think it was Panic Free by Lynne Freeman. I’ll paraphrase, with curses. Just like, everything is fucking normal or whatever.

On your way to work, you usually have to pass over some railroad tracks. One day, out of nowhere, your car stalls out on the tracks. As you are fumbling around with the ignition, you hear the sound of a fucking train barreling toward you with those whistles or horns or whatever blowing full steam. What the fuck? You are freaking out. You’re all but sure you’re doomed. Fucking dead. But then, just as this fucking thing is about to whack you, your car starts up and you are able to get out of the way.

After narrowly escaping an early demise, you go on about your day. Same spot. Same shit. You’re no fucking wimp though.

That shit was weird, but come on, it can’t happen three days in a row. Day three rolls around and you stall out in the same spot, and the same terrifying shit happens. You are shaken up, so you go home. At some point you come to the conclusion that you are definitely not going that way to work any more. So, the next day rolls around and you leave for work in a totally different direction.

For whatever the fuck the reason, the same shit happens. Eventually, you just say, “fuck it, I m not going out anymore. It’s just the knowledge that going out means you are going to endure brutal panic, so you just don’t go out. And chemically, the same shit is going on with your body and brain, as if you were actually in a life-threatening situation. But that’s basically how it happens. I had enough panic attacks with enough severity in enough places that I just gave it up and headed home.

I don’t know. So I guess that’s the metaphor for how people wind up with the dreaded Agoraphobia. Metaphors are weird though, and this shit is really complicated. Fuckin’ Eh? I had a pretty good trip home from work the other day, and it really relates to the discussion of the relationship between Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. I was approaching tne traffic light, just past the walk-in medical clinic, when I realized just how fucking normal I felt. Generally, I’m gearing up for the moderate, just bearable state of almost panic that I endure for the minutes following that light.

But for some fucking reason I felt totally normal and secure. No feeling of threatening panic, no impending doom. I didn’t have sweaty palms, hot feet, or a racing head filled with thoughts of escape. I wasn’t even dicking around with my cell phone dialing people up as a distraction.

It was just me and Ronkonkoma Avenue and I felt fine. So, I settled into my seat a little, and actually enjoyed the ride home. I imagined this must be how other people get home from work. It was fucking sweet. Once I got into “safe territory” I started thinking about mv agoraphobia. Fuck, if driving were always that easy, I’d go all over tne fucking place.

Being entrenched in the agoraphobia for so long, I think sometimes I forget that. The clarity that came with not panicking was fucking great. It really started to make sense. Agoraphobia is a reaction to the panic. It seems so simple, but in the midst of it all it’s fucked up. Agoraphobia seems like this huge insurmountable complication of figuring out effective ways to get past certain traffic lights. But really, what it boils down to is not panicking.

They are all places that are safe and not intimidating or threatening at all. And that’s what became clear that day. If can figure out how to stop having panic attacks. I’ll be able to go anywhere. That was the epiphany And I’ve had it before too. I just hope this time I can nold on to it, and make it work. New Format for the Floor Mat Starting with next month’s column, this shit is going to look a little different.

Format change. I’m going to try to write more detailed straightforward first person accounts of my experiences with mental illness. Instead of writing about issues surrounding mental illness, I’m going in for the fucking vicious shit: daily life. I’ve had the feeling lately that my column is getting a little played. Hopefully this will turn out cool. If not, I hear George Tabb does a nice little column with first person accounts of things that happen to him.

If you are looking to connect with someone to write back and forth with about Mental Illness, send over your info, and I’ll hook you up with a pen pal. The contact information is below. Or email me at wells trafficviola- tion. I have a vague inclination to include some comment here about how I’ve been listening to nothing but alt country music.

Honestly, I can’t even remember the last time I heard a blast- beat. I’m all fucked up. They have a website that has more to do with goats than most other websites, and it is located at www. Also, Lubrano. After about 7 or 8 years and 29 releases. I’m putting an end to Traffic Violation Records. The gory details will be up on the web by the time this shit hits newsstands, so if you are interested, you can check out how it all went down at www.

Since the website will be going down soon, I won’t have the ability to archive this shit there. The plan is for the thing to include all the columns I’ve written for this here magazine right up until this here column.

I’m hoping to pull my pal Lubrano away from his three channels of digital cable porn and have him do some illustrations. He’s really deviant about the kind of sex he wants, and he’s pretty well convinced that he’s a sex addict, but he can draw wicked good.

Lubrano thinks I’m a sex addict too. Ignore that shit about me not remembering the last time I heard a blast beat. Mike gave me the “Donde es el Column! And I thought! Oh man when I wrote that 2 part thing about how I always get caught whenever I do something obnoxious. A few years ago aw shit I m totally outing myself now for those of you who have any sort of MRR chronology knowledge every couple of days this woman would wake me up early in the fuckin morning 11 AM, yeah I know, I know, screw you, though—yer job sucks she would say, “Miguel!?

A couple of months later, my grandpa got my number and started calling me at 8 AM. Since then I’ve had caller ID. So this woman wouldn’t quit it, and after two weeks of her searching for Miguel, I got so angry that an overwhelming reclamation of high school Spanish came over me and I shouted, “No Miguel vive aqui, usted tiene el numero incorrecto!

That’s not the story. About a month later, I get woken up at 8 AM. It’s not the phone, it’s not the apartment buzzer, it’s someone knocking at my door. I figured it was my irate mailman. He also enjoys pushing the cart as hard as he can and letting it hit the curb on the other side of the street, spilling everyone’s mail.

Anyhow, it’s not the mailman. It’s a short, stocky Hispanic woman and a tall Hispanic man. The man asks, “Are you Bill? The guy was actually nice, and an hour later he called me to let me know he talked to Consuelo in Spanish and told her what Miguel’s phone number actually was.

At the time Verizon didn’t offer DSL. Anyhow, when ya get a DSL line from another carrier, Verizon still owns the wire from the pole to your apartment, so they don’t let the DSL company install it and instead charee them to send their horrible labor force.

I play in a baahnd. OK, the final incident, which I totally forgot about, had to do with how cool my boss is. I edit about to wedding videos a year. A couple of years ago I had a good system going where I would work on your video and send you the finished copies, but I’d save a digital backup for about six months just in case you didn’t like something and I had to fix it. So I worked for four or five days on this couple’s wedding and I shipped it off to DC.

I was pretty miffed when I got the tapes back since I had already erased trie backup. So I took the tapes and stuck them on the shelf thinking, “Fuck this guy, I’ll let him wait a couple of weeks before I get to make his tape lose a generation of quality. Levinstein sorta looked like Newman from Seinfeld , but about four times the size. So a couple of weeks later I ran his crummy looking VHS tapes back into my computer and ran him off crummier looking VHS copies with his three little things fixed.

Unfortunately, the post-it note did a Cape Fear tactic on me and stuck itself to the bottom of one of the video boxes and when Fatass Levinstein got the tapes, he was mad as hell—he was ready to pop like a pound grape! My boss called me up and told me what was going on. She just said to him, “So, what’s the problem, is the tape alright now?

A lot of the people I do editing for seem to like to complain to get back for the feeling that they aren’t getting a good deal. The same sort of person likes to order everything specially made at restaurants. I really hate that. If you order a Sweet Lassi and ask them to not make it too sweet, I really want to punch you in your fat face and I’m sure the waiter ana the chef would like to as well, but will make sure they counter that sweetness in the drink with some saliva or urine for ya!

My dad and I had a conversation about this and he said that if you order something that’s not on the menu and the restaurant obliges, they have the right to charge you whatever the hell they feel like. Oh, OK, back to Fatass Levinstein. The tapes sat under her desk for over a year. Chubby called a few times, but she never got to it, so he brought a small claims suit up against her.

During the trial he actually put the post-it on an overhead and made it blow up to almost the size of him. My boss said to the judge, “Well, although I admit it is very rude of Bill to call him a name, we actually videotaped more than one Levinstein that year and he actually needed to differentiate between the two.

And if Mr. Levinstein is really offended, he should look in a mirror. OK, email me sometime Fatass! While this is indeed a moment for US citizens and political activists in particular to start getting frightened, it was not the details of their data gathering means or the sound of numerous rights to privacy going loudly down the drain that caught my attention. What exactly does that have to do fighting terrorism? Good question.

The answer is nothing. But let’s back up a little bit At the center of this topic is a chemical called thimeros- al, which is a mercury-based preservative that’s been used for decades in vaccines given to infants. Only a few short years ago, the dangers of thimerosal were realized and the government demanded that pharmaceutical companies cease using it. IIP” other disorders in children. This provides incredible security to the tune of millions of dollars to these companies, and most of this security goes directly to Eli Lilly.

So, again, what does any of this have to do with terrorism? It’s difficult to say, especially since no one appears to know how or why this provision was included in the first place. Democrats, and even a few Republicans, also flipped out when they learned of its addition.

OK, now we’re getting somewhere. Eli Lilly. But the connections between the big druggies and the White House don’t end there. How strange But asides from further diluting citizens’ rights, Eli Lilly has been in the news for other reasons of late.

First and foremost, their stock prices have been soaring in the past few weeks. This is assumedly due to 1 everything that I just mentioned, and 2 the recent approval by the FDA of two brand new drugs. Research on this new wonder drug led me straight to the Eli Lilly website, where there was a large article about it. The phrase “wonder drug” took on a whole new meaning when I found this gem in the part of the article dealing with the scientific processes of Strattera: “It is not known precisely how Strattera reduces ADHD symptoms.

Which leads to the other news Eli Lilly has been making. Just a few days ago, they settled a lawsuit brought against them by a husband and wife in Pennsylvania.

But interestingly enough, a new lawsuit was brought against them this week, claiming that some people are poor metabolizers of Prozac and that a simple test can judge whether any given person is in that category or not. The suit is being brought up by a Georgia man whose year-old wife shot and killed herself in , a mere 11 days after starting to take Prozac. It is claimed in the suit that Eli Lilly “is negligent in failing to make this information public, to convey it to doctors, or otherwise to take reasonable measures to implement appropriate patient screening techniques.

Currently, they comprise the single most profitable industry in the world although you’re probably not doing too bad at the moment if your business has anything to do with military equipment or oil either. But the pharmaceutical industry offers a taxing will I ever stop?

Like it or not, these huge bastards have been known to do the world some good on occasion. In the past, they’ve developed an array of vaccines, medicines, and treatments that have helped millions of people with once deadly or at least debilitating inflictions regain their health and lead normal lives. But just because somebody serves an integral service to society doesn’t mean we have to rally around them.

Today’s pharmaceutical companies are wreaking havoc on us in plenty of ways. And drug companies are producing just as many symptoms as they are treatments these days and I don’t just mean the headaches they cause by having to put up with their shit either.

ADHD , they are now in the business of taking normal human quirks, giving them a scary disease- sounding names, and conveniently providing the pills that cure them or better yet, keep the “symptoms” at bay if you take one or two a day. This is not to say that I think you’re being deceived if your doctor diagnosed you with a mental condition and you’re currently taking sixty different pills that genuinely improve your condition.

So, what do we do then? How do we go about making sure that we don’t give our support to drug companies we hate but still support the notion that there are many illnesses out there that we direly need research, development, and treatment for?

Universal health care, if properly structured, could solve lenty of the problems associated with our current lack of ealtn care system, not the least of which would mean that everyone can receive treatment, not just those that can afford it. That’d be a nice touch. If only they could play a bit faster Here’s an address you can use in case you want to send me hate mail, love letters, or free pill samples oh yeah Gilman St. I was in Brooklyn just visiting, I swear and called up a friena. Do you feel like making some food or something?

As if on cue, someone walked into the house with a copy of the New York Post, the coarsest toilet paper on the market. I marvel at each progressive step towards a war that everyone I come into contact with seems to be wholly against. In my short life and mind-numbing studies, I’ve never seen as much damaging change instigated by a single elected official, even the President. Watching his progress in office has been like seeing the unmade sequel of The Omen: a former criminal and President as Satan himself; an invisible vice president as the protective nanny, making it all happen behind the scenes; an all-star cast of sellout union reps lining the stage as Bush signs another coffin nail piece of legislation.

My analogy is weak, for this I apologize. I’m telling you nothing new. Yet, what’s up? Did you vote last month? Are you even registered? Do you have ideas for public resistance? Are you ready to head for the hills? Destroy your right arm with a staple gun to become undraftable? What can we do? I’m asking you because I don’t know. I’m in the library right now, where outside the ground is covered in four inches of snow.

In one of the public conference areas next room over. I’ll take the bus home at 8 pm and sit down to dinner with all my housemates afterwards. Under it all is a constant trembling, like waiting with your hand on the reciever for that call that’s supposed to come long after your parents have gone to bed It’s close, but I can’t promise the last third of the sentence is exact. Besides, shut up.

I don’t support that shit, dude. The ideal of the rebel is one which per- the business maverick— is held up as a hero. Turn to the world of advertising and it is impossible to escape the rebel image. And then there is the “through being cool” school of cool. This variant of cool is also based on rebellion. What these cools are rebelling against is whatever the current brand of rebellion is currently being cooped by the rebels of the mainstream.

And the cool anti-cool is straight-laced and studious. In other words, there is rebel rebel cool and rebel nerd cool. And, of course, there are many shades of cool in between. All of these cools are rebels and all of the rebels have rules which you must abide by in order to be cool. Soriano, you surely jest! With the tribes comes rules and mores and a system that enforces those rules.

In tribal society, the simplest punishment for going against the tribe is banishment. To anyone who has spent any time in America’s subculture, the notion that rebels have rules is no revelation. Hang out with a group of anarchists and you will find that there are more rules to being an anarchist than there are for being an accountant. In other words, stray from the tribe and you will be accused of selling out.

The more underground you go into a subculture, the more rules you encounter and the more poison the venom to those who stray.

Find me a vegan, anarchist, feminist, anti-imperialist hardcore punk rocker who fails the tribe and I will show you one very unhappy camper. I will also show you one very small tribe, a tribe that is powerless in society and has to lord over its members in order to gain some sense of power and importance. Lest you think I have it in for vegan, anarchist, feminist, hardcore punk rockers, turn your gaze toward to the world of vegan, anti-abortion, straight edge hardcore punk rockers.

Or beer-drinkin’, porno-lovin, anti-rC bar punk rockers. Or proto-fascist, trench- coat wearing noise geeks. A thousand little tribes, each one full of rebels, rebels against rebellion and the rebels of the status quo. To long time readers of Maximumrocknroll, it might seem a bit ironic that this screed is running in this rag.

After all, one of the chief ideologues of punk rock tribalism, one of the people most responsible for giving punk a firm set of rules was this rag’s founder, Tim Yo. I think, at first, no one noticed or cared what Tim thought about punk rock. He helped found a great radio show and then an international punk zine.

Not only did Tim Yo’s MRR create a firm set of rules for punk, it brought into existence several groups of people who rebelled against those rules. How did they rebel? By creating sets of rules themselves and viciously patrolling the corridors of punk rock for MRR-styled rebels. It gets wackier. While more and more people were getting anal over other’s politics or lack thereof, what constituted punk musically was expanding.

Actually, that is only partially true. Sure there were bands like the Prats, teens who just picked up instruments for the first time. But there were also people like Rat Scabies and Chuck Biscuits who pretty much blew away most rock drummers. The notion that punks could not write anything but a basic verse-chorus song was also absurd.

Plenty of bands, from PiL to Kleenex to the Minutemen, experimented with song structure. In fact, there was more going on in punk that challenged the concepts of song writing and required a high level of musical understanding than its critics ever admitted. What there was not, however, was the idea that punk meant musicianship. Enter crossover. With crossover, the guitar hero entered punk.

Perhaps the f uitar hero never entered in name, but the idea that you could e a hot shit guitarist and play punk made it acceptable for hot shit guitarists to play punk. Part of being a hot shit guitarist is showing off your stuff. You can either show off by playing high speed solos or by writing songs in which the song structures are so convoluted that only a hot shit guitar player can play them, i.

Both the avant punkers and the crossover crowd created a punk rock that was sufficiently large and appealing that a band such as Nirvana was able to be the first or second biggest rock- ‘n roll band of the era. The only band to challenge Nirvana’s popularity was U2, an act that also had its roots in punk. Come and what was punk musically could be anything that was in the “alternative world. All of a sudden the notion that you could not be punk and be on a major record label was rule number one—even though the major punk bands of the 77 wave were all major label oands.

This rule didn’t just come from the “politically correct” camp but was nearly universal. MRR put this rule into print in the now infamous and pretty damn accurate “major label” issue. There were punk bands who thumbed their noses at the anti-corporate punkers I remember the generic pop-punk band Face to Face signing to a major with the brag that they were going to do a “Sex Pistols” to the majors.

Yeah, uh huh and many more bands whose ambition was more than apparent. While those within punk rock debated the merits of major labels, the majors stalked the ambitious. College radio changed from a free form nation to a group of stations that had play lists as strict as mainstream stations, yet full of alt product instead of MOR goop. The more the majors dove into punk, the more the public heard of punk and the more the public craved punk.

Back in the underground, what was punk was pretty much anything that was “alternative” that was not tainted by a major label. At last, the philosophical ideologues were in control of punk. So powerful was this sentiment that bands were almost forced to make public pronouncements on why major labels sucked and how they would never sign.

For many, the chance of being approached by a major was nil. And those who often screamed the loudest about their loyalty to the cause Jawbreaker and Chumbawamba come to mind jumped when the offers were good enough. Backing up this philosophy were not only thousands of bands, but, more important, a whole host of institutions.

Finally, after more than a decade of hardcore punk, there was what seemed to be a community, what the Wobblies of old would have called a “society of the new within the shell of the old. They asked, “How can a band that sounds exactly like a mainstream band like Pearl Jam but is a proud indie band still be a punk band? One would think So with the stroke of a pen, MRR declared that there was not just an ideological component to punk rock but that there was a musical one as well.

Fugazi was considered a punk band but bands who sounded exactly like our heroes from DC were not. A few years after the punk purge, MRR founder Tim Yo went at his record collection, now the MRR archive, and tossed out anything he considered “not punk. Others snapped to, mocking anything that fell outside the narrow world bracketed by the Ramones and Napalm Death. Since Maximumrocknroll is a private institution while Tim Yo was alive, an institution headed by one person , the actions that the institution takes are pretty much up to the institution.

The argument that “If you don’t like it, do it yourself” is valid. The thing that sets MRR apart from others who have power is that MRR has never shied away from the fact that it has both influence and a set of ideologically inspired rules.

While MRR’ s current overlords might not be as ideologically anal as the rag’s founder, they still have a set of guidelines that they adhere to. They also have a notion of what punk is. Part of this notion is based on their personal and political philosophies, part on their tastes, and part on the history of the magazine. To be MRR is to be cool. To be against MRR is to be cool.

To be against those who are against MRR is to be cool. Rebels, rebels everywhere! The position that Maximumrocknroll is in right now is pretty interesting. As king of the ideological punk poop pile it has to contend with a world where, stylistically, punk rules.

Not only is the mainstream punk style the same one which MRR espoused, but the dream every year-old punker had in is reality Not only can one turn on the radio and hear punk rock, the television uses punk rock in commercials. Not only can you walk down the street with a mohawk and not get fucked with, punk fashion is almost passe. Punk rock has gone beyond being accepted in rock’n’roll, it is now, according to mainstream rock scribes, the savior of rock’n’roll.

In musical terms, that means punk rock is Moses or Jesus Christ or Mohammed or Jah or whatever one-true-god you believe in. Meanwhile, the institutions that enabled punk to reach the level of acceptance that it now has—the network of independent projects—are being destroyed. Those who came off as aie-hard indie ideologues such as Mordam Records have decided that perhaps major labels aren’t that bad and all that anti-major label stuff they once spouted is just kid’s stuff.

Venues around the country are in the hands of major corporations like Clear. The big inche label is more and more a thing of the past. In this punk new world, it is important to ask what makes rebellion? Is it style? Is it politics? Is a commitment to a set of principles? What makes the rebel kind? If rebel culture can be coopted so easily, how rebellious is it really?

Or, maybe, we need to ask ourselves whether or not rebellion means anything at all? Christie, considered a likely Republican presidential candidate in , was inaugurated amid a snowstorm that forced. He did not mention the investigations that have already led to the firing or departure of four top aides or associates. The meeting is the first between the president and Pope Francis.

At the time, the Vatican underscored the deep disagreement between them on abortion. Obama supports stem cell research. Anthony Badalamenti, of Katy, Texas, had faced a maximum of one year in prison at his sentencing by U.

District Judge Jay Zainey. Badalamenti pleaded guilty in October to one misdemeanor count of destruction of evidence. Badalamenti was the cementing technology director for Halliburton Energy Services Inc. Fewer excuses for not voting The Illinois primary will take place eight weeks from Tuesday. Voters will trek to the polls to have their say on which party candidates should advance to the Nov.

Primaries were considered an advancement a century ago. They took candidate selection out of the hands of party bigwigs in smokefilled rooms and put it into For the record the hands of the people.

It is easier to vote these days, That was the and the list of excuses not theory, at least. Also, you may visit www. Not sure how to register? The deadline to register is Feb. No-excuse absentee voting and early voting options exist. Early voting starts March 3. Serving in the military? Military absentee ballots are available from your county clerk. Not registered but still want to vote?

People who will be 17 on March 18, but who will turn 18 by the Nov. Your county clerk has a list of polling places on the county website.

It will also be published in newspapers as the election nears. Their names will be printed on sample ballots, so voters can educate themselves. Proposals to eliminate the public statement of party preference for primaries have gone nowhere in the Legislature.

Maybe you should ask legislative candidates whether they favor reform, and aggressively support those who do. Snowden could have made his revelations in a way that would not have put his country and his fellow countrymen at risk, but he chose not to.

Clearly his intent was not to help but to harm his country. Hentoff claims that public opinion has shifted in favor of Snowden. This could be true since no one wants to believe that someone would betray their country in such a cavalier way just to satisfy their own ego. This mellowing of opinion about Snowden reminds me of a poem I once read.

For if it prosper, none dare call it treason. To the Editor: In consideration of the current deluge of political figures who have been convicted of malfeasance in their elected office, I have a practical solution for dealing with such miscreants.

The state of Illinois needs funds. It does not need more people to feed and house in publicly funded minimum security facilities. When elected officials are convicted of stealing public funds, seize their property and other assets to repay the stolen funds plus assess a percent penalty for the proven theft.

If a conviction is made for other illegal but nonviolent activities, impose a monetary penalty — confiscate assets and garnish wages. Nonviolent criminals should be punished by severe fines, not incarcerated at public expense. While addressing nonviolent criminal acts, how about the legislators who violated the state constitution by voting to abstain. The U. How can the trend be reversed? By making it easier for Americans to acquire wealth, for starters.

If the U. The Augusta Ga. How to sound off We welcome original letters on public issues. We limit letters to words and one published letter every 30 days. Election-related letters are limited to words. The deadline to submit an election-. Construction mania To the Editor: The Northwest Herald and taxpayers should be challenging the rationale behind the widening of north Randall Road. Taxpayers already have financed the improvements on south Randall Road, Route 47, the Algonquin bypass and Rakow Road widening.

Now we are being manipulated. March All letters are subject to editing for length and clarity at the sole discretion of the editor. Follow the money. Route is currently overdeveloped and underutilized with traffic flow. Route 31 construction traffic is temporarily diverted to Randall Road, causing this congestion. This is supposed to be temporary?

All these projects have been great at reducing unemployment at the expense of taxpayers, but there has to be an end. A great idea: stop the unneeded spending and taxes could go down. Ron Hameetman Fox River Grove. Bipartisan Benghazi report a sign of progress When anything bipartisan comes out of a polarized Washington, one should be grateful.

Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans represents progress of sorts. The committee, chaired by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. The committee determined that the U. If it had, the report found, Benghazi likely could have been prevented. In her additional views entry, Sen.

Unfortunately, the promises of the president and other senior administration officials to bring any of the attackers to justice have ringed hollow thus far. The report finds that more than a year after the attack, the terrorists who perpetrated the attack have still not been brought to justice.

And the military has a contingency plan to snatch them. But the fledgling. Libyan government, which has little to no control over significant parts of the country What is needed is for Speaker John Boehner to appoint a select committee, modeled after the Senate Watergate Committee, with subpoena powers to question under oath witnesses and those in charge. According to an exclusive report from Breitbart. So far she has heard nothing.

Her tenacious and accurate reporting kept the Benghazi story alive when mainstream media appeared to have lost interest. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

A weak area of low pressure will spread a few snow showers around the area along with increasing winds. Snowfall amounts will range from a dusting up to an inch in isolated spots. Another blast of arctic air will arrive Thursday with a warming trend Friday into Saturday.

A stronger storm system will move in Saturday with more light snowfall. Louis St. Paul Tampa Tucson Wash. Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Weather W : s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. The event will be from 7 to p.

For information, call Tamara Reed at Foregoing the microphone, state Rep. David McSweeney, R-Bar-. We missed an opportunity. Among the changes, the reform raised the retirement age for many state workers and reduced annual. Carl 92, McHenry Thomas L. Dick 74, McHenry James A. Eddy Sr. Eveland 64, Harvard Lucelle R. Krasucki 93, McHenry. Leonard D. Bregy the best in his new position. Board members hired Bregy in to replace former Superintendent Ken Arndt, who retired.

I was certainly not looking for other job opportunities, but rather, the opportunity came to me. Elias Andrade shovels a sidewalk Tuesday in single-digit temperatures.

Andrade was working at the corner of Church and Second streets in Huntley. Low wind chill values are expected to persist through the rest of the week. Most of the accidents caused only property damage and had zero or minor reported injuries, according to a sampling of area police departments. Dan Dziewior said. Crystal Lake officers responded to six minor crashes Tuesday morning, compared to four Monday, he said. They also assisted three motorists for issues like cars breaking down or sliding off the road, compared to two the previous day.

A snowdrift forms Tuesday alongside Ackman Road in Lakewood. Here are a few simple and easy habits to pick up this year that will help the environment one task at a time. They will help you save money and energy, and reduce chemical use in your home and reduce landfIl waste. Be sure to sanitize it by running it in the microwave for two minutes once a week to kill bacteria or put the cloth in your dishwasher along with your dishes.

The food inside will pick up the taste and odor of the cleaning solution. Warm soapy water works well and is a less harmful choice. The fresh smell will spread throughout the house when you vacuum. A healthier option than using artificial scents.

A dirty filter causes 30 percent more energy to be used. Check just before hitting the start button. It might help to post a sign just to help with a reminder. Echoing his House colleague, state Sen.

The Board of Trustees reviewed its staffing options — from keeping the status quo to moving toward a career-style fire department with full-time firefighters — at a two-hour meeting Saturday morning, Fire Chief Tony Huemann said.

The board is reviewing all the options, board President Allen Miller said via Huemann. He declined to talk to the Northwest Herald on the topic. You may have a different supervisor every time you go. You may have a different driver on the ambulance. You may have a different paramedic partner. The Board of Trustees looks at. Last year, the board placed three extra people at the Johnsburg station from May through November because of ongoing road work that limited access going to Johnsburg and created a time delay for assists from other stations, he said.

Further improvements to Johnsburg Road, including the construction of a roundabout at the St. Johns Avenue and Chapel Hill Road intersection, are also scheduled to start this spring. Gabriela Nieto of the block of North Orleans Street was arrested Tuesday without incident as the result of an investigation involving a 2-year-old boy. According to the release,. Monday night. The boy was reportedly wearing only pants and a short. The boy was transferred from a nearby apartment to the McHenry Police Department, and the Department of Children and Family Services was called to assist.

Nieto was identified as the. The concert will feature Christine, an award-winning vocalist, and Bazan on saxophone, flute. The concert is free and open to the public. Refreshments will. For artist information and sound clips, visit www. According to the release, the investigation confirmed the child was left home alone with no supervision.

Endangering the life or health. This event is free. Attendees also will have the opportunity to visit interac-. Nieto posted bond and will appear in court on Feb. The boy and his sibling were placed into a protective plan by DCFS. Jyothi Gogineni, Centegra Physician Care endocrinologist, will discuss living a healthy life with diabetes. She also will share tips diabetics can use for monitoring their progress. Amir Heydari, medical director of Centegra Weight-. Loss Surgery Center with Centegra Physician Care, will speak about weighing the many options for weight loss and finding a solution that works best for each individual.

Call for itineraries and prices. Modern Luxury is a trademark of Celebrity Cruises Inc. Ships registered in Malta and Ecuador. All ages are welcome. For information on Centegra Health System, visit centegra. Turning Point, Inc. This makes retirement assets one of the most costly assets to distribute to loved ones. You work hard for those dollars — do you really want the government to get half? Another option is to leave your heirs assets that receive a step up in basis such as real estate and stock and gift the retirement assets to charity.

Charities are not taxed upon receiving an IRA or other retirement plan assets. If you have questions, or need assistance in selecting a charitable organization, please contact The McHenry County Community Foundation at Consult your tax or legal advisor before proceeding with your estate or gift planning.

The center opened last June and is open to high school-aged teens Monday through Thursday from to 7 p. Teens have access to computers, video games, air hockey, pool, games, weekend concerts and help with school or life from staff and volunteers from the community. The vice president of Northbrook-based Christy Metals was elected in The school board will now move to fill the vacancy for the remainder of his four-year term.

Shelton was recently promoted to run Chris Plating, a division of Christy Metals. He stressed that his deci-. Shelton reflected fondly on his time with the board, and mentioned establishing strategic goals and building on to the high school as successes. Shelton, who also raises livestock with his wife and kids at The Shelton Farm, said his responsibilities had made it tough to make time for family.

His son, Chance, wrestles at the University of Iowa. He also has a daughter in high school and another son in grade school. District 50 has until March 1 — 45 days from the resignation — to appoint a new board. Those who apply should be at least 18, a registered voter and a resident of District 50 for at least a year. Letters can be emailed to Sue Johnson at sjohnson cusd The deadline is 5 p. The school board will interview candidates Feb.

For information, contact Johnson by email or call the district at Loan origination fees may apply. Interest, if applicable, accrues from contract date. Excludes tax, title and license fees. See participating dealer for complete details.

Excludes mazdaspeed3. The Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games are here. These contributions are very important because Team USA is one of the few Olympic teams not backed by government funding. As a proud partner of the U. Olympic and Paralympic Teams, we do whatever we can to support these athletes reach their goals. The original debt issue was part of the bonds the village sold to build the Public Works facility in On those bonds, the village is set to pay an interest rate of 1.

Previously it was paying about 3. Walde said. The refinanced bonds were sold to Raymond James. The village, which has an AAA bond rating, annually abates property taxes that would be needed to pay off the debt. Instead the village has relied on sales tax revenue to pay off the debt, Kumbera has said.

Kumbera added the savings from the bond refinancing have not been earmarked for anything in particular. The move will help the village maintain its current tax. The AAA rating is the highest rating possible. Those bonds were used for the expansion of the wastewater treatment plant, which took place in The program will be from 10 a.

Participants need to attend both days in order to pass. Completing the course could mean discounts on auto insurance, the release said. The course is limited to the first 30 people who sign up. For information or to register, call Tamara Reed at The program is geared toward.

The Union Pacific lines, which includes the Northwest line that covers McHenry County, was back up to a full complement of cars Monday,. The National Weather Service has issued a hazardous weather outlook for the area, warning that wind chill values as low as 10 to 20 degrees below zero are possible for Tuesday night.

Low wind chill values are expected to persist through the rest of the week, and river flooding is possible, especially near isolated ice jams and along the Kankakee River.

When temperatures or. Free service pick up within 10 miles. Lifetime car wash with any new car purchase. Anderson Volkswagen, N. Route 31, Crystal Lake, IL , , vwofcrystallake. Test performed by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. For details, visit www. See vw. Dealer sets actual prices. Lessee responsible for insurance. Supplies limited.

Additional charges may apply at lease end. Oh no! A cold wind blew my display about weather fronts all apart! Luckily, I numbered each sentence. Do the math problem on each piece. Then use the answers to put the sentences in order from the smallest number to the largest. Good question, Paula! Cold fronts and warm fronts are something meteorologists — scientists who study the weather — watch to make predictions about the weather.

Recognizing identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. Weather Watchers Standards Link: Number Sense: Students compute sums and differences, order numbers from least to greatest. For example, outdoor games can be canceled if the weather is bad. Tell how the weather can affect each of the weather watchers you selected.

Standards Link: Earth Science: Students know the effects of changes in the weather. Look at the two weather puzzles. Which town is most likely to have stormy weather? Use the cold front and warm front symbols to help you predict. Standards Link: Earth Science: Students understand that weather can be observed and predicted; different conditions affect different results.

It was so cold Finish this story. It was so cold that I turned purple and I froze to ice. Emily, 2nd grade I had gone outside to help my brother take out the garbage and when I stepped outside, it was so cold that I got frostbite all over my body.

I had to have eight blankets on me and almost ive cups of hot chocolate. It was that cold! I still needed to take out the garbage and it was right next to my window so I opened my window just enough to get the garbage out and dropped the garbage right in the garbage can. It was awesome. Katrina, 5th grade. It was so cold that I felt like I was an icicle hanging on a roof. I was freezing.

I was shivering so much my teeth were shaking up and down in my mouth. If I could turn into a popsicle I probably would have. Riana, 5th grade It was so cold that I was hungry. We almost froze. But, we got there and had some nice, warm food. We got unfrozen soon.

Chamar, 3rd grade It was so cold that I did not want to be outside so I ran in place. Then I was so warm I could sleep. Then I was cold and the bus came. The bus is always warm. Ella, 1st grade. SendSend your your story to: Imagine you were a snake. What would you eat? How would you move? Where would you live?

Write a paragraph about your life as a snake. They quacked their beaks off. Unluckily, our house was right beside them. When I went outside, my boots turned to square ice cubes.

My breath was gray steam. My eyelids had icicles on them. I knew why the ducks were unhappy. They were cold. It was not a good day. Lizzie, 2nd grade It was so cold that my ears froze and fell off. My eyes had a frozen cover on them. Then my hands got frostbite and fell off. So I was missing my eyes, ears and hands.

What else could go wrong? I had to get to a hospital but the wind was blowing very hard. It was freezing but I got there anyway. I was saved. Ally, 3rd grade. It was so cold that when I went outside with hot chocolate, my hot chocolate froze. Jake, 3rd grade It was so cold that I wondered if I would ever get home. The school bus had broken down and my friends and I set off to walk. At irst it was fun because it was like an adventure but pretty soon everyone was cold and shivery. Then, all of a sudden, a big gray SUV came over the hill.

It was my mom and we were saved. Sam, 5th grade It was so cold that I was freezing. I wore a coat and a sweater. I was playing outside with my friends. Glenda, 3rd grade. Kidscoop and other fun, engaging learning activities for students need your support. State Rep. Mike Tryon, R-Crystal Lake, said he voted against the reform because its unconstitutional. The cost-ofliving changes break a promise in the Illinois Constitution that state pensions cannot be reduced, he said.

The Illinois courts will have to decide that question, as numerous labor groups already have filed lawsuits chal-. The concern that the pension work is unfinished left district officials wondering whether the state Legislature would again try to shift the pension burden onto local school districts.

District officials asked Duffy, McSweeney, Tryon and two other lawmakers about their support for it. All three McHenry County representatives said they would not support a shift. Aside from the pension shift, the district focused on school funding, virtual charter schools and school construction funding. Members will continue meeting the firm during a closed session on Monday, Stevens said. The board knew around Christmas that Bregy would likely leave the district, he said.

The list includes not only new and major improvement projects but also routine maintenance work. City Council members will next review the capital improvement plan and dis-. At least I think so. As a dedicated hearing specialist, I have one primary goal. Your hearing is important. Once set, the document helps guide staff in spending city money.

Carl, age 92, of McHenry passed away Friday, January 17, at her home. After her marriage to Bob, they purchased their first and second homes in Des Plaines before moving to McHenry, where she resided for the rest of her life. She was a member of St. Mary Catholic Church, N.

Interment will be in the church cemetery. Information: Colonial Funeral Home; or www. Born January 13, , in Freeport, the son of Donald E. She is also Obituaries also appear online at survived by her sister, Margaret nwherald. Cathy is preceded in death by her make a memorial donation. Services will be held on Saturday, from and worked at Cassens Transport in Belvidere from January 25, , at St. Center at the church from AM He was a member of St.

Mary Catholic Church, DeKalb, and of the until time of service. He coached www. Little League baseball, refereed volleyball and attended untold numbers of athletic events for many years.

Born: Dec. She was employed as a He was preceded in death by his secretary for over 20 years at parents; sister, Janet Clay; brother- Arvidson Pools in McHenry. A kindp. Thursday, January hearted person who delighted in 23, , at Anderson Funeral making people laugh, Lucelle very Home, DeKalb, with a spiritual wake much enjoyed her independence.

The She always appreciated the funeral Mass, which will be opportunity to get together with celebrated at the same parish in friends, often to play cards, golf, or which he celebrated all of his bowl. She loved to travel, and sacraments and served as an altar enjoyed vacations throughout the boy, will be held at a. Michael well as taking bus trips to area Morrissey will celebrate.

Burial will casinos. She was very close to her follow at Holy Cross Catholic family, and loved to spend time Cemetery, Stockton, with full with her grandchildren. A second visitation Lucelle is survived by three will be from a. Dinkelman, Anderson Funeral Home, P. AndersonFuneralHome Krasucki. Edmund Bradtke; and a sister, Rose Greene. James A. Harvard, passed away Monday, until p.

Thursday, January January 6, at his residence. Charles J. Until a. Died: Jan. Interment will be in St. Cathy is survived by her husband, Association, W. Bryn Mawr, Gary, whom she married February Ste.

Together they have five For information, please call the. There he planted an Kathleen C. Patkowa, age 71, of orchard, and grew produce and Huntley, formerly of pumpkins. Patrick Church in Hartland. He was devoted to his faith and his Crystal Lake. He was devoted She was born in to his faith and his family all of his Chicago on February 26, to life. He was a member of the Clarence and Wanda Tracy. Visitation will be held from 4 p.

She would until 8 p. Kathleen is survived by her loving for the 11 a. For information call the funeral Patkowa, and the late David home at or send the Jennie Patkowa; cherished family an online condolence at grandchildren, Shayna, Ethan, www. A visitation will be held on Friday, Arrangements are pending at January 24, from p. Townsend, age 78, of funeral service at noon at the Harvard, passed away January 19, funeral home. Memorial donations may be made Brighton Ln.

He worked as a supervisor for Terra Cotta for over Leonard D. Leonard was born October 10, , in Bronson, Michigan. A hero in the eyes of his family as well as his country, Leonard was honored in for his service as a Pearl Harbor first responder.

After the war he studied nursing and worked as a nurse anesthetist until he retired at the age of 65 from McHenry Hospital in He married his soul mate, Marie Francis Bonacci, on February 6, Trevino; six grandsons, Juan A.

He leaves a big family of brotherin-laws, sister-in-laws, nephews, nieces, two sisters, Rachel Mando Hernandez and Gloria Trevino. Funeral Mass will be on Friday, family and friends will meet at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, N. First St. Burial will follow at Windridge Memorial Park. For more information visit: www. Harry loved the earth and moving it around.

He worked as an independent owner and operator of a sand and gravel trucking business, ran an excavation business, built his own home, raised two wonderful children, and loved to garden, tinker, fish, and boat on the Chain of Lakes. He spent many peaceful days fishing from his favorite lawn chair in the front yard with a dog at his feet and fish on the line. While he went by many names, including Skipper, Bud, Dad, and Grandpa Harry, he was loved by those who knew him and rued by the fish he caught.

He is survived by his daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. The wake will be from ampm, followed by a funeral liturgy at pm. Internment will be private. Carl: The visitation will be from 4 to 8 p. Wednesday, Jan. Prayers will be said at the funeral home at a. Thursday, Jan. Richmond Road, McHenry, for an 11 a. Internment will be in the church cemetery. For information, call the funeral home at Robert T. Cenar: The visitation will be from 4 to 8 p. Grant Highway, Marengo. A funeral Mass will be celebrated at a.

Taylor St. Vincenzina Milana: The visitation will be from 3 to 9 p. Algonquin Road in Algonquin. For information, call Mary Catholic Church, Lincoln Ave. Marion Barbara Schwarz: The visitation will be at 10 a. Burial will be in Windridge Memorial Park in Cary.

Fleming is the first opera star to sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl. In recent years, it has been performed mainly by a mix of pop and country stars. Soap opera suicide storyline from England drawing strong reaction LONDON — It was one of the gentlest deaths in soap opera history, but it has provoked a strong reaction in Britain. Some praised the storyline for its sensitive handling of terminal illness and death, but others said it risked encouraging suicides.

The year-old Douglas won all-around and team gold medals at the London Olympics. The executive director of the institute made the announcement Tuesday during the festival. Keri Putnam is inviting documentary and narrative filmmakers from around the world to submit short films that tell empowering stories about individuals or communities conquering hunger and poverty.

Writers and artists for the new. Actor Balthazar Getty is Singer Willa Ford is Actress Piper Laurie is Actor Seymour Cassel is Actor John Hurt is Singer Steve Perry Journey is Bassist Teddy Gentry of Alabama is Actress Linda Blair is Actress Diane Lane is Country singer Regina Nicks of Regina Regina is Rap DJ-actor Jazzy Jeff is Singer Marc Gay of Shai is Fiedorowicz was rather familiar with the first team that cornered him Saturday night.

The possibility of playing for the Bears was enough to make the Johnsburg grad smile Monday af-. He grew up idolizing Brian Urlacher.

They need defense — to put it kindly — but also want to upgrade their depth at tight end from backup Dante Rosario. He had only 30 catches for yards and six touchdowns last season but made first-team AllBig Ten.

Jacobs won, Twice in the final 15 seconds, both times with Jacobs clinging to a two-point lead, Orange stepped to the free-throw line and. At the start of the season, he missed a few and he knows it.

That shows the competitor and tough kid he is to come back and get it done. He made four free throws down the stretch. He misses one of those, we could be down. C-G , managed to make it close without a big game from leading scorer Jason Gregoire, who is averaging If we put somebody else on [Gregoire] Ben might punch me. Huntley overall, FVC Valley jumped out to an lead early in the first quarter, but the Warriors never let Huntley get too far ahead through the first three quarters.

The Raiders put McHenry away in the fourth quarter, outscoring the Warriors, Amanze Egekeze again was a huge factor for the Raiders. Egekeze led Huntley with 21 points, but it was the other things he did that put Huntley over the top. Egekeze used his size to bring down 10 rebounds, block six shots and make some great passes to open teammates after McHenry brought the double team. I call him a nerd. Much like the rest of his Hawks teammates, Saad has hit almost all of the right notes dur-.

On the ice, Saad is a speedy, decisive, two-way player. With piano, unlike hockey, you can sit on the bench and play at the same time. But a rigorous travel schedule for hockey eventually prompted him to stop taking lessons. He blossomed as a teenager with the U. AP file photo. That only made matters worse. Prairie Ridge came up with a. The Wolves overall, Valley finished off the win by hitting six straight free throws. The pattern slowly took its toll on the Chargers.

The way they play their defense is really good. Nick Munson followed up with a 3-pointer and two Parson free throws. When Steven Ticknor fouled out midway through the fourth quarter after scoring 17 points, Bradshaw led the Wolves the rest of the way, closing out the win with a pair of free throws.

But instead of going, he went to practice and joined his teammates as they got ready for a rivalry game Tuesday against Richmond-Burton. Johnsburg never gave up the lead and played stifling defense the rest of the way to hang for the win. Toussaint knew that, in order to give their best effort, the Skyhawks needed a good practice Monday with everybody present to prepare.

Toussaint wanted to make sure his players could handle the pressure and hoped the added defenders would make the regular 5 on 5 play look as if the floor were wide open. The calm handling of the ball in the backcourt made it easier for them to set up plays and run the offense, as they were playing from behind for the majority of the game. He finished with a team-high Pierre underneath if we wanted to be successful. Mike Kaska scored their first point of the quarter, a free-throw, with just remaining in the game.

Johnson finished with 10 points and was never able to create any good separation from Gorney. The Warriors were coming off a loss Saturday to CaryGrove. Andrews delivered much-needed big performances this past week when the Red Raiders faced two of their biggest threats on the road in their pursuit of the Fox Valley Conference Valley Division title. You have to be on him the whole time. C-G cut the lead to and had three chances to tie or take the lead, but. All we can ask is we had three chances there to take the lead.

Just one more play, one more play. Mack could not even sit on the bench, instead standing behind the bench and encouraging his teammates. Orange was fouled with 15 seconds to go and hit both ends of a bonus freethrow situation. Gregoire was fouled with 5. After a timeout, the Eagles inbounded the ball to Orange, who was fouled and hit two more free throws with 3.

He was 13 of 14 at the line for the game. Cory Boeckh scored 11 points with three 3-pointers in the second quarter.

R-B wasted no time showing the Tigers they were headed for a tough game. The Rockets built a seven-point lead by the end of the first quarter and never relinquished the advantage en route to a win. Koenig led the Rockets with a gamehigh 13 points. It took only two quarters for the Rockets to match the 20 points they scored in their previous meeting against the Tigers. An Evelyn Youel basket finally got the Tigers on the scoreboard with their first points of the third with left in the quarter.

Central finished the game shooting Youel led the Tigers with nine points. Balanced scoring: Huntley coach Steve Raethz can be confident his offense should be scoring at least 34 points a game with ease. CaryGrove junior Katie Barker leads the area, averaging Through 20 games, only five points separate Ali Andrews points and Sam Andrews total output this season.

Crystal Lake Central remains in the title race, however, at with homes games against Grayslake Central and Grayslake North looming in the next week. Through 15 games, Mickow grabbed rebounds, averaging Wednesday This is a big game for both teams if they want to stay in contention for the FVC Valley title. Hampshire at Grayslake Central 6 p. Grayslake Central at Crystal Lake Central 7 p. Tuesday In what essentially amounts to a must-win game for the Tigers to stay in the FVC Fox title race, they have an opportunity to avenge a tough loss to Grayslake Central in early December.

Her long range shot was the only field goal in overtime for the Thunder. Darling, who also went 2 of 2 at the foul line in overtime, finished with 15 points. Ashley Jones scored 16 points, including three foul shots in overtime. Emma Benoit and Tricia Dumoulin both added 14 points. Fiedorowicz, who has talked to about 15 teams this week, idolizes Patriots star Rob Gronkowski. Hopefully, they keep using it like they do in the NFL. In the fourth, Kohley scored eight of his 22 points, Sutter had nine of his 14 and Kubiak had seven of his nine.

Cavanagh Murphy scored 25 for the Tigers , One, I am not a scout, nor do I play one on TV. He towers over the other tight ends on the North squad and fits the mold of what NFL teams want at the tight end position. On a stretch run play in his direction, he rode Missouri defensive end Marcus Sam completely out of the play with ease, showing his strength, hand placement and footwork.

I saw one smooth out route, but he dropped what should have been a catch. Ward said seeing players he played well against in high school go in the first or second round of the NFL draft helped make him realize he would get drafted, too.


Full text of “Maximum Rocknroll ( Feb)”

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