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The list of substances that are prohibited in competition and the relevant paragraph S8 was recently approved by the European Council and entered into force on 1 January The effects of cannabis and the physical and mental health risks it poses, even for athletes, are by now well known.
The Council has adopted an EU Drugs Strategy based on cooperation and coordination between Member States and international organisations. They are mainly aimed to prevent the use of substances or methods that have the potential to enhance sport performance.
The Commission does not take a position with regard to WADA’s policies except when enforceable EC law, fundamental rights or basic legal principles appear to be affected. This does not seem to be the case with regard to the provision mentioned by the Honourable Member. As to the third question, Member States are competent for developing and implementing policies regarding drug use — in particular on drug prevention, treatment or harm reduction — that work best in their national socioeconomic and cultural contexts.
The medical use of cannabis is, therefore, a matter for the Member States. Oggetto: Accordo di libero scambio tra l’Unione europea e l’India e minaccia per l’accesso alle cure nei paesi meno sviluppati PMS. Ultimamente, vi sono indicazioni del fatto che l’Unione Europea e l’India potrebbero essere pronte a firmare l’accordo di libero scambio ALS , oggetto di discussione dal Un mercato parallelo per i farmaci generici stabile e affidabile potrebbe portare ad una riduzione significativa dei prezzi.
La ricerca e lo sviluppo nel settore farmaceutico sono governati unicamente da criteri finanziari, come il margine di profitto, e non dai bisogni reali della popolazione, in particolare quella dei PMS. Quali garanzie sono poste in essere a tutela dei diritti di PI? Adoption of the FTA would involve, among other things, extending the application of the TRIPS Agreement trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights to the health sector, in particular to medicines patented in developed countries, where research and development for new forms of care is more advanced.
This would result in the interests of major multinational pharmaceutical companies being protected, while undermining the sovereignty and the right to access cheap medicines of LDCs.
Nearly half of the people living in LDCs do not have access to the medicines they need. A stable and reliable parallel market for generic medicines could lead to a significant drop in prices. The Doha Declaration sought to prioritise public health over Intellectual Property IP rights and specified dispensations, such as allowing developing countries lacking production capacity the possibility to import patented medicines in the case of a national health emergency.
Research and development in the pharmaceutical sector is driven only by financial criteria, such as mark-up and not by real population needs, in particular those of LDCs. What safeguards are in place for the protection of IP rights?
Is an assessment of the impact on LDCs of the supply of cheap medicines being considered? Are alternative measures to help LDCs access the medicines they need such as private-public partnerships for manufacturing drugs being evaluated?
The Commission is well aware of the use of generics in improving access to medicines, and of the role played by India in this respect. Regarding the broader issue of access to medicines in developing countries, it may be noted that:. Considerato che vi sono state segnalazioni da parte di Stati membri, quali la Spagna e la Svezia, sulla commercializzazione e sull’utilizzo, in particolar modo tra gli sportivi, di integratori alimentari contenti DMAA; che negli Stati Uniti la FDA ha ricevuto notizia di 86 casi di malattie o morti riconducibili al composto chimico in questione; che un ulteriore motivo di preoccupazione deriva dall’eventuale associazione della DMAA con altre sostanze, come ad esempio la caffeina, dato che in tali casi si possono generare gravi complicazioni cardiovascolari; che gli integratori alimentari, per quanto concerne i test di sicurezza, non sono considerati alla stessa stregua dei farmaci,.
Non ritiene opportuno rivedere la normativa inerente la produzione e commercializzazione di integratori alimentari? In che modo intende controllare i canali di vendita alternativi, internet su tutti? Tali regole sono adeguate e non hanno bisogno di revisione.
Le regole relative all’uso di sostanze diverse dalle vitamine e dai minerali usate negli integratori alimentari, come ad esempio la dimetilamilamina, non sono armonizzate e sono pertanto disciplinate da regolamenti nazionali, fatte salve le disposizioni del trattato.
Nel la Commissione ha presentato al Consiglio e al Parlamento europeo una relazione sull’uso delle sostanze diverse dalle vitamine e dai minerali negli integratori alimentari. La relazione giungeva alla conclusione che la Commissione non riteneva opportuno stabilire regole specifiche per le sostanze diverse dalle vitamine o dai minerali. Gli Stati membri fanno rispettare la normativa, assicurano il monitoraggio e verificano che le pertinenti disposizioni della legislazione alimentare siano rispettate dagli operatori del settore alimentare.
Dimethylamylamine, or DMAA, is a chemically synthesised compound which is believed to derive originally from geranium roots. This substance is often contained in food supplements designed to enhance weight loss and improve physical fitness, as it has properties that are similar to those of amphetamines — drugs with various characteristics which act, among other things, on the concentration of dopamine.
This neurotransmitter performs several important functions in the human body, since it affects the body’s system of movement and muscles, concentration and attention span, brain reward stimuli and mood. For these reasons, DMAA can be widely used among athletes, especially professional or high-level athletes, who constantly have to exceed their limits and improve their performance.
Despite the fact that several government drug regulation bodies around the world — first and foremost the Food and Drug Administration FDA — have dealt with this issue and have asked producers not to use this compound, there are still supplements on the market that contain DMAA which, in addition to its common name dimethylamylamine, may also be referred to as geranium root extract, methylhexaneamine and other names, thus confusing consumers.
Given that some Member States, such as Spain and Sweden, have reported that food supplements containing DMAA are being marketed and used, particularly among athletes; given that in the United States the FDA has received reports of 86 cases of disease or death attributable to the chemical in question and that a further cause for concern is the possible association of DMAA with other substances, such as caffeine; given also that such cases can lead to serious cardiovascular complications and that food supplements, as far as safety tests are concerned, are not treated in the same way as medicines,.
Does it not think that the rules concerning the production and marketing of food supplements should be revised? How does it intend to monitor alternative sales channels, first and foremost the Internet? These rules are adequate and they do not need to be revised. Rules for the use of substances other than vitamins and minerals used in food supplements, e. In , the Commission submitted to the Council and the European Parliament a report on the use of substances other than vitamins and minerals in food supplements.
The report concluded that the Commission does not consider it opportune to lay down specific rules for substances other than vitamins or minerals. However, it does not rule out the possibility of carrying out a supplementary analysis to this report, at a later stage, examining the conditions for the addition of these substances to foodstuffs in general. According to the same Regulation food business operators are responsible for compliance of foods with the requirements of general food law within the business under their control.
Member States shall enforce food law, monitor and verify that the relevant requirements of food law are fulfilled by food business operators. This applies along the whole food chain, and includes all sales channels. Similarly, the necessity of launching an awareness-raising campaign for consumers should, therefore, also be considered by Member States. In its reply, the Commission also acknowledged that various national competition authorities had analysed such cases, but with no conclusive results.
However, the case in question 12 relates to autumn , after these investigations had taken place. The Commission has carried out unannounced inspections and sent requests for information to numerous companies within the EEA.
It is, however, too early to draw conclusions about the findings of the investigation, as the information is still being collected, processed and analysed.
The Commission continues to monitor the overall competitive situation of the fuel sector in Spain as well as in other EU Member States. Lending to households and businesses in Spain fell by What is more, interest rates are currently far higher for Spanish SMEs than elsewhere — up to eight or nine percentage points above Euribor and the rates at which their competitors pay interest elsewhere in the single market The Commission recognises the existence of financial market fragmentation; the challenges posed by it are at the heart of the creation of the Banking Union The disparity between the interest rates imposed on Spanish SMEs and those in different countries is mainly due to sovereign risk and macroeconomic prospects.
Current signs of recovery and the reduced pressure on Spanish sovereign debt might translate in improved loan conditions for Spanish SMEs. The Commission is also putting in place a variety of financial instruments, such as the equity and loan guarantee facilities of the current CIP 30 programme For the period the Commission has put forward proposals for the new generation of financial instruments, mainly under the new programmes COSME 32 and Horizon Lending to businesses and households fell by Among the various explanations put forward is the sharp drop in loan approvals by the nationalised banks.
On the other hand, bank lending to general government grew by In the second revision of the restructuring plans for the banks, a number of points focused on aspects relating to the fall in lending in Spain. Despite this, no measures are being considered to avoid this situation, which is hugely damaging to the economic recovery. Under state aid rules, the main goal of the restructuring plans for aided banks is to ensure their return to viability and to sustainable lending.
To achieve that goal involves de-risking the banks’ balance sheets, by redesigning their business models around the activities and areas where their competitive strength lies. As a result, in Spain the large majority of the banking sector does not need public support and is well positioned to provide sustainable lending to the real economy. In particular, when a bank is withdrawing from a non-core region where it is not viable, stronger banks are very likely to pick up the remaining solvent demand for credit.
In the approved restructuring plans for aided banks, no significant restrictions are imposed on those banks’ lending to SMEs in their core regions, in recognition of the importance of that sector both for the Spanish economy and for the return of the banks to viability. The bulk of the reduction in credit to the private sector is in the real estate and development portfolio.
As Spain is rebalancing following the burst of the housing and asset bubble, deleveraging and balance sheet repair in those sectors are an unavoidable part of the adjustment. Respuesta de la Sra. The situation for science and research has worsened in Spain since the onset of the crisis. A number of research projects have also ground to a halt because their EU funding is contingent on co-financing by the Spanish Government Answer given by Ms Geoghegan-Quinn on behalf of the Commission.
Indeed, until now, Spain has fulfilled its annual commitment with respect to investment into the ERDF research and innovation thematic priority and, therefore, no EU Structural Funds commitments have been lost.
The level of certified expenditures and budget allocated to selected projects in Spain in this field remains until now close to the EU average. The Commission attaches great importance to ensuring the growth-friendliness of fiscal consolidation, including by improving the quality and efficiency of public spending.
Indeed, both public and private spending on research and innovation have decreased in recent years. However, at the same time, the increase in such spending over the decade did not boost innovation significantly. At the same time, in Greece, despite the satisfactory financial performance, in the month of April,7 VAT revenue for all categories lagged behind the target amount 51 , while in the same month, one in four self-employed persons and entrepreneurs failed to submit their regular VAT returns, as they should have done How would it view the application of such a measure to the Greek economy?
Does it consider that the special conditions obtaining in Greece and the serious problems facing the Greek economy would justify such a decision?
Does it have any estimates about whether the application of such a measure would be of overall benefit to the Greek economy and employment in the present critical phase? The Commission agrees with the Honourable Member that improving the business environment in Greece, including for SMEs, is a key priority.
The Memorandum of Understanding on specific economic policy conditionality in the context of the 2nd economic adjustment programme for Greece already contains a wide range of measures in this direction. A precondition for the recovery in Greece is, however, a return of confidence supported by successful fiscal consolidation. In this context, any policy change in VAT would fall within the responsibility of the Greek authorities, provided that there is enough fiscal space and Community law is respected.
Concerning the use of temporary derogations under Article of the VAT Directive, it should be recalled that it is for the Member State concerned to request such a derogation and to justify that the conditions, as regards the simplification of the VAT collection or the prevention of tax evasion or avoidance, are fullfilled.
Parliament has also welcomed this initiative in several of its resolutions, including those relating to the Stockholm Programme. The Commission assured Members on several occasions that it would publish a proposal by the end of On 21 May , I asked Commissioner Borg, during the debate in plenary on the evaluation of the Stockholm Programme, whether and when the Commission would issue such a proposal, but unfortunately I have not received a reply.
Can the Commission provide details on the impact assessment and on the follow-up it has planned? Can it clarify whether and when it will publish the proposal in question? The Commission considers that increasing mobility of citizens within the EU has generated the need for improvement of both free movement of public documents and mutual recognition of civil status in cross-border situations.
It announced therefore in its Green Paper 55 two initiatives. As a first step, the Commission adopted on 24 April a proposal for a regulation 56 containing concrete simplification measures for the acceptance of certain public documents in the EU. The Commission wishes also to make it easier for citizens to exercise their right to freedom of movement within the EU by reducing obstacles to the recognition in one Member State of the effects of civil status records issued in another Member State.
To this end, the Commission would like to inform the Honourable Member that it has initiated an impact assessment study and is expecting the results of this before the end of the year. El apoyo que presta la UE tiene dos objetivos principales, lo que ha permitido decidir el subconjunto de proyectos cofinanciados.
Tales objetivos son:. The cuts in public expenditure as a result of the crisis have been put forward as the reason justifying this. The section of the line affected by these delays receives EU funding, is fully integrated into the Atlantic corridor and resolves one of the bottlenecks on that corridor. It also meets the criteria stipulated by the Commission and the Council to be considered a top priority, since it improves effective links between two Member States, is intermodal, connects the corridor to a core port on the basic network and another two secondary ports, provides alternatives to road transport and serves the transport needs of several logistics platforms and industrial zones that are major exporters.
The Spanish Government also refuses to commit to new timescales for completion of the works. However, other high-speed sections in Spain, which do not have these features do not appear to be affected by budget constraints. The Spanish Ministry of Public Works expects works to be completed by Are the EU-funded high-speed routes in Spain being built to schedule and as planned?
Where are the delays occurring and why? Does the Commission think that situations such as that described above and the designated plan comply with the established priorities to optimise investment in infrastructure and to add European value to it? Given that the line receives EU investment, does the Commission intend to review the investments and urge the Spanish Government to adapt them to the established priorities?
The implementation of the High speed network in Spain is fragmented since it involves many lines, the implementation of which depends on national funding as a primary source, supported by Cohesion Policy and TEN-T funding. The high-speed line from the French border to Barcelona-Tarragona has been completed, as well as the lines to Valencia and Alicante; works to upgrade the existing line to high-speed in UIC gauge from Tarragona to Valencia are ongoing.
On the Y Basque works are proceeding in most lots; for the crossing of Vitoria and Bilbao provisional solution are being developed; the line could be operational by the end of The EU support has two main objectives, which has led to identify the subset of co-financed projects:. It has also to be recalled that for the Cohesion Policy, Member States are in charge of project selection, while for TEN-T budget, the Commission selects the best projects in competitive calls for proposals.
The set of Spanish projects actually being implemented is likely to absorb the available EU contribution. With regards to prioritisation, the Commission has proposed that the next budgetary period be characterised by a stronger concentration on a list of pre-identified projects. Reference is made to the annex to its proposal for a regulation establishing the Connecting Europe Facility Article 24 3 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia lays down that individuals or families living in poverty are entitled to a minimum guaranteed income that guarantees them the minimum necessary to live in dignity, in accordance with legally established conditions.
The crisis, with all its related effects such as an unprecedented rise in unemployment, growing material deprivation and homelessness for many people and the cuts in public social investment, is leading to more people and families living below the breadline in Catalonia.
The minimum guaranteed income is designed as a universal right, not subject to budgetary resources, and it would amount to a maximum of EUR per month. Is it planning to recommend that Spain assess these initiatives so that the Autonomous Communities can implement them, in line with the fight against poverty and social exclusion and without this leading to a penalty for failure to meet deficit targets?
Recommendation no. The country-specific recommendations in no way exclude other support measures, such as minimum income schemes, provided that Spain remains on track to ensure correction of its excessive deficit.
The Social Investment Package 62 is intended to guide EU countries in using their social budgets more efficiently and effectively to ensure adequate and sustainable social protection.
It advocates for integrated packages of benefits and services that can help people to participate in society and the labour market, stressing prevention rather than cure, and thus reducing the need for benefits. It takes into consideration the role of minimum income schemes in providing essential safety nets. The Excessive Deficit Procedure EDP recommendation to Spain, adopted by the Council on 21 June , modulates the required effort and ensuing deadline for correction taking into account all the relevant factors, as showed by the proposed extension of the deadline to correct the excessive deficit to Against the backdrop of the current economic crisis, some countries, such as Greece and Spain, are suffering a human tragedy insofar as the conditions imposed by the Troika are severely affecting the capacity of public health systems to provide adequate supplies of many medical products required by the public.
One possibility advocated in many quarters, but rejected by the Commission, is that of several Member States purchasing medicines together. These initiatives have made it possible to buy medicines more efficiently and economically and would work just as well in the EU. This involves putting the welfare of people before the enormous private gain of the pharmaceutical sector. Europe must be able to deal with this problem and defend the public interest by facilitating access to medicines in all Member States.
What does the Commission think about the fact that millions of people living in Europe are denied treatment, when the marginal cost of many medicines is minimal? Does it not think that this frugal approach disregards the principles of health security? Has it considered the possibility of joint procurement of medicines by the EU to lower the cost to Member States?
Will it encourage the coordinated procurement of medicines between several Member States? The responsibility for the organisation and the delivery of health services and medical care is the responsibility of the Member States as stipulated in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The Commission has no evidence of conditions imposed by the Troika on Spain which are affecting the capacity of the public health system to provide adequate supplies of medical products.
The position of the Commission is expressed in the Annual Growth Survey , which calls for reforms of healthcare systems to ensure cost-effectiveness and sustainability, with the twin aim of a more efficient use of public resources and access to high quality healthcare. The possibility of joint procurement of medical countermeasures against serious cross-border threats to health is foreseen by Article 5 of the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and the Council on serious cross-border threats to health which is being formally adopted by both institutions following agreement on a final text in first reading.
It creates the possibility for Member States on a voluntary basis to procure medical countermeasures to tackle serious cross-border threats to health deriving from communicable diseases, or from threats of chemical, biological or environmental origin. Procurement of medicines not addressed by the above joint procurement mechanism remains the competence of Member States.
Asunto: Incremento de medidas proteccionistas al comercio del acero. Por ello:. On top of this comes low predicted growth in demand in Europe compared with most other parts of the world. All of this means that manufacturers of long steel products are being forced to export to third countries. Many third countries, however, are applying import duties and non-tariff barriers to long steel products. The recent trend of third countries stepping up the measures they apply to final goods and raw materials, such as scrap metal, is making matters worse.
For the European industry to remain competitive, bold measures are urgently needed to turn this situation around. Is the Commission stepping up action to do away with market access restrictions on long steel products? What steps is it taking to combat increasing protectionism? If it is not possible to take such action and measures in the short term, is the Commission looking into alternative trade policies?
Does the Commission plan to tackle this situation in the Steel Action Plan that it is preparing? The Commission has a comprehensive trade strategy targeted at improving market access opportunities for all EU producers and notably in the steel sector.
The Commission fights against protectionist measures in third countries by implementing its market access strategy. The recent postponement of the Indian steel certification scheme shows the effectiveness of the approach. When all other options have failed, the Commission can resort to dispute settlement. In eleven new investigations on iron and steel products were initiated.
The Commission remains also vigilant to other partners’ use of TDIs. Bilateral negotiations are another tool to achieve a level playing field for EU companies both in terms of access to markets and access to raw materials.
The pursuit of an ambitious trade liberalisation agenda and the modernisation of our TDIs, and the forceful implementation of our Market Access Strategy are effective and concrete actions that the Commission is undertaking to do away with market restrictions. The action plan foresees that the Commission will, within its comprehensive trade strategy, use the trade policy tools to improve the European steel producers’ access to third country markets.
In particular it encourages the existing practices of consultations with main steel producing countries, the pursuit of the trade liberalisation agenda and the modernisation of the TDIs. Legislative initiatives at EU and national level have been unable to curb online drugs trafficking.
On the contrary, a cursory survey shows that a massive illegal trade in drugs is being conducted though specific sites, a trade which is relatively easily accessible even to the casual Internet user.
It transpires that transactions are not conducted through bank accounts, but with bitcoins electronic currency , which makes it even more difficult to track these illegal activities. What action is it taking specifically to restrict these illegal transactions using electronic currency online? What evidence does it have, if any, from Europol about the scale of the phenomenon and the volume of illegal transactions involving drugs online?
The EU Drugs Strategy acknowledges that new communication technologies have a significant role in facilitating the production, marketing, trafficking and distribution of drugs, including controlled new psychoactive substances.
Consequently, the new EU Action Plan on Drugs 65 , which sets out concrete actions to implement the Drugs Strategy, calls on Council, the Member States, the Commission and Europol to identify strategic responses to address this new role of communication technologies.
Given the nature of the phenomenon, there is no study assessing the scale of drug trafficking online at EU level even though the EU drug markets report: a strategic analysis 66 sheds light on the topic.
However within the new EU Policy Cycle against serious and organised crime , the phenomenon is to be tackled as one of nine key priorities for operational cross-border cooperation in the EU. Has it been apprised of this new threat?
Does it have any data regarding the growth of this phenomenon in the EU and in particular in those Member States most affected by the crisis? Since well-endowed rehabilitation, prevention and treatment facilities are needed to address the dramatic increase in drug use and since the crisis in Member States restricts the amount of resources available, can the Commission say whether it intends to mobilise more resources — in particular from the European Social Fund — for this purpose?
It can be inhaled or injected and it is frequently used in combination with alcohol. There is no information on its toxicity, but users self-reports suggest that it can cause severe health and social harms, including loss of consciousness and violent behaviour. Police seizures confirm that it is readily available and easy to produce in home laboratories.
Drug-demand reduction is primarily a competence of the Member States, which develop and implement policies on drug prevention, treatment and harm reduction, to reduce the use of psychoactive substances and the harms that they cause to individuals and society.
The European Social Fund finances numerous projects to help people in difficulty and those from disadvantaged groups, including drug users, improve their skills, to find jobs and have the same opportunities as others do. In der gemeinsamen Mitteilung vom Von diesen insgesamt Mio. EUR sollten lediglich 90 Mio. In its proposals for the European Neighbourhood Instrument , the Commission confirms the incentive-based approach and states that additional financial support, i.
According to the Joint Communication from 25 May , the elements involved in building deep democracy are:. Could the Commission outline the basis on which the criteria for the granting of this EUR million in additional financial support to Egypt were selected?
The EU contribution would be part of a more comprehensive package designed jointly with the World Bank and the African Development Bank. This EUR 90 million SPRING allocation to Egypt was announced in November , in recognition of the satisfactory holding of the Presidential elections in , the end of the state of emergency and the transfer from military to civilian rule. The ENP progress report on Egypt published in March gives more details on the facts that led to this decision At the current juncture, given the current uncertainty about the political direction of Egypt, the entire programme from the EU, the World Bank and the African Development Bank to support the national programme for social and economic reform is currently on hold.
It is also unclear if Egypt will continue to request IMF assistance. No financial commitments, let alone payments, have been made so far on the EUR million programme, the feasibility of which will need to be reassessed in the light of the evolution of the situation in Egypt.
Ten gevolge van de explosie kwamen 15 mensen om het leven en raakten meer dan personen gewond. Mogen we, met inachtneming van de gegevens uit de MARS databank, concluderen dat de chemische industrie in de EU de laatste jaren veiliger is geworden? Wat is de reden van de drastische afname van het aantal gerapporteerde ongevallen in de MARS database?
Rekening houdend met de stijging van het aantal locaties, de economische groei en de uitbreiding in en wijst dit op een positieve trend. Anderzijds zal het lage aantal online gepubliceerde ongevallen voor de jaren en naar verwachting nog stijgen, aangezien nog niet alle ongevallenrapporten zijn gepubliceerd, door vertragingen vanwege gerechtelijke procedures en de tijd die nodig is voor de formele goedkeuring van de rapporten.
Dit ongeval is vergelijkbaar met dat van West, Texas, wat betreft de daarbij betrokken stoffen en de omvang van de gevolgen. Bijgevolg werd de Seveso-richtlijn gewijzigd om de indeling van mengsels van ammoniumnitraat te wijzigen, alsook de desbetreffende drempelwaarden De chemische industrie in de EU zal hierdoor naar verwachting nog veiliger worden. On 17 April, part of an artificial fertiliser plant in West, Texas, USA, exploded, killing 15 people and injuring more than Are any accidents known to have occurred in the EU which are comparable to that in West, Texas?
May we, on the basis of data from the MARS database, conclude that the chemical industry in the EU has become safer in recent years? What is the reason for the dramatic reduction in the number of reported accidents in the MARS database? Considering the increase in the number of sites, economic growth and the enlargement in and , this indicates a positive trend. However, the low number of accidents published online for the years and is expected to rise, as not all accident reports have been published yet, due to delays caused by legal proceedings and the time needed for formal approval of reports.
The Toulouse accident in France in caused 30 fatalities, over 2, injuries and material damage between EUR 1. It is comparable to that of West, Texas, in terms of substances involved and magnitude of consequences. As a result, the Seveso Directive was amended to modify the classification of ammonium nitrate mixtures and associated threshold quantities It is expected to further increase the safety of the EU chemical industry. I would also like to ask the Commission when it intends to publish a revised urban mobility action plan and what main new actions it would intend to introduce.
The 20 measures put forward in the action plan on Urban Mobility 80 were implemented by the Commission in the period The Commission plans to put forward an Urban Mobility initiative before the end of The work on this initiative is currently at an advanced stage and an independent review of the implementation of the action plan will be taken into consideration.
Young people have been affected disproportionately by the current economic recession. There are 5. Indeed, in some Member States one person in two aged between 15 and 24 is without a job. This is why I welcome the initiative from the Commission and the undertakings made recently by the Council of Ministers on the Youth Guarantee.
Given that its success will largely depend on how public employment services are organised in each Member State, what input will the Commission provide to support the efforts made by Member States? Is the European executive considering the possibility of offering technical assistance to Member States and of entering into partnerships with other international institutions, such as the International Labour Organisation, to ensure that the Youth Guarantee is successful?
The plans should be guided by the detailed Staff Working Document, soon available in 22 EU languages Moreover, the COM has adopted a proposal for a decision on enhanced cooperation between PES 84 involving a common evidence-based benchmarking system, mutual learning activities, mutual assistance and strategic actions for the modernisation of PES.
Cyprus, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, be obtained;. The external assumptions and parameters underlying the Commission’s Spring Forecasts are explained in box I. In terms of forecast methodology, the preparation of European Economic Forecasts combines a geographically decentralised approach with central guidance and consistency checks. Forecasts for Member States MS are provided by country desks. The mutual consistency of forecasts is then ensured in an iterative process between geographical desks and the forecast coordination team.
Moreover, country desks can draw on the expertise of DG ECFIN specialists on the international economy, financial markets, labour markets and public finances. The Commission is engaged in a regular exchange of views on the economic outlook with other international institutions, national authorities, private forecasters, social partners and academia through various channels and in various fora. In an address given in December on the amount of ESF funds available, the Commission President stressed that some EUR 30 billion remained unused by Member States and could be channelled into efforts to tackle youth unemployment and support training.
The Commission reported on the state of play of the reallocation and reprogramming of EU Funds towards youth employment measures to the Spring European Council Following the reallocation exercise in Member States, the Commission currently does not expect further substantial requests for programme modifications by the Member States towards the end of the current programming period.
The Commission provided examples of the results achieved so far through the work of the Youth Action Teams in its communication 96 to the June European Council. Oggetto: L’Unione europea possiede dati sufficienti sulla problematica dei senzatetto. La EMCO comitato per l’occupazione e la SPC comitato per la protezione sociale hanno definito la problematica delle persone senza fissa dimora come un’area specifica da monitorare attraverso il quadro di valutazione comune.
Il documento di lavoro dei servizi della Commissione sul fenomeno delle persone senza fissa dimora nel «pacchetto sugli investimenti sociali» chiede agli Stati membri di impegnarsi in una cooperazione transfrontaliera per migliorare il grado di conoscenza e scambiare le buone prassi nella raccolta di dati sul fenomeno.
Saludos desde Peru. Nunca comento en estas cosas, pero esto vale la pena. Segui todos los pasos del CMD, dijo que lo activo satisfactoriamente y sigue pidiendo que lo active. Si te sirve de ayuda copia todo lo que viene en el link desde el echooff hasta el final y sigue los pasos y quedo activado el office.
Muchas Gracias nuevamente!!! Muchas gracias, a mi me funciono con los script por lotes, a pesar de que adviertes en un recuadro en rojo que no es conveniente, pero como tengo office prof plus , se me activo en menos de 30 seg, gracias por el aporte. Un saludo y gracias de ante mano.
Tengo Windows Gracias Roberto. No consigo activar. Los seriales no valen. Con el CMD se ejecutan los comandos y finaliza sin errores pero no activa. En el caso de crear el KMS en el archivo activador. Hola de nuevo. Gracias por estas recomendaciones me funciono!
Script por lotes muy sencillo de ejecutarlo…. Es verdad que tuve que probarlo varias veces, pero ya lo tengo activado. Milones de gracias. Me estoy volviendo loco y no lo consigo. Como puedo entrar si ya tengo hasta el logo en el escritorio, cuando clico me sale lo de aceptar los cambios y cuando acepto me pide lo de la clave. Hice lo del activador. Hola que tal. No soy de escribir mucho en estas paginas pero tu tutorial me salvo de un apuro tenia full tareas que realizar en office gracias.
Excelente, ningun problema para activarlo. Muy sencillo y explicado cada uno de los pasos. Muchas gracias Ardilu. Genial aporte. Me ha funcionado el cmd. Muy buenos tutoriales, me sirvieron de maravilla. Gracias a todos los que crearon esta pagina web.
Casi me doy por vencido. No me funcionaba con el archivo. Casi desisto…. Me lo ha activado perfectamente con el CMD pero siempre que abro cualquier app de Office me sale el mensaje de que no es original.
Hago el mismo procedimiento anterior y no pasa nada. Hola chicos. Buenas tardes estoy tratando de activar office pero no me deja hace una semana puse una clave y funciono pero hoy pide licencia.
Buenas noches hace una semana utilice una de sus claves y hasta el dia de ayer me funciono pero hoy ya me dice que no tengo licencia quisiera saber si me pueden ayudar. Evite las interrupciones y mantenga sus archivos a salvo con una licencia original de Office hoy mismo. Mi pregunta es, si tienen una nueva forma de activar office , o alguna manera de hacer que el cuadro amarillo deje de aparecer?
Todas mis aplicaciones activadas nuevamente! Ejecutar cmd como administrador, copiar y pegar con el mouse, y el script copiarlo todo completo y ya.
Un minuto se tarda. Reservados todos los derechos. Es genial. Lo acabo de realizar. En algunos casos debe autorizar el proceso en la seguridad de windows para que el proceso se complete. Cambiando el servidor no me ha salido ese mensaje amarillo, son los mismos comandos pero cambiando el servidor. Tal vez a algunas personas no les funcione porque no abren el CMD como administrador.
Mil gracias! Installing Office license Lo acabo de usar para activar el office 16 professional plus en windows 7 con CMD y no tuve ningun inconveniente, todo salio perfecto, muchas gracias. He de decir que estoy MUY contento de que no hayan habido virus ni problemas…relacionados. La hostia de gente. Muchisimas gracias. No lo puedo creer, me re salvaste.
Muchas gracias por compartir tus conocimientos. Muchas gracias!!! Recuerden siempre ejecutarlo como administrador y listo!
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This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, see How to back up and restore the registry in Windows.