SolidCAM CAM Software: SolidCAM

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Define the technological parametersIn the Technology, make sure the Finish check box is selected and set the Stepdown value to 4.

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The part ismachined using two positionings. The CoordSys dialog boxis displayed. Spot DrillThis tool type is used for center drilling and chamfering in Drillingoperations. See more ideas about comics, comics, old …. Confirm it by clicking the Yesbutton. Confirm the geometry with thebutton. OffsetsThe Wall offset and Floor offset parameters enable you to define theallowances that remain on the walls and the floor of the machined parttill the profile finish machining.


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CAM-Part Definition. SolidCAM 2. Indexial 4-Axis Milling. Indexial 5-Axis Milling. ToolBox Cycles. Automatic Feature Recognition. This course covers the basic concepts of SolidCAM 2. Once you have developed a goodfoundation in basic skills, you can refer to solidcam 2017 was ist neu free download online help for information on the less frequentlyused options.

Course designThis course is designed around a task-based approach to training. With the guided exercises youwill learn the commands and options necessary to complete a machining task. The theoreticalexplanations are embedded into these exercises to give an overview of the SolidCAM 2. Using this training bookThis training book is intended to be used both in a classroom environment under the guidance ofan experienced instructor and as self-study material. It contains a number solidcaam laboratory exercisesto enable you to apply and practice the material covered by the guided exercises.

The laboratoryexercises do not contain step-by-step instructions. Sooidcam the CDThe CD supplied together with this book contains copies of various files that are used throughoutthis course. The Exercises folder contains the files that are required for guided and laboratoryexercises.

The Built Parts folder inside the Exercises contains the final manufacturing projects foreach exercise. Copy the complete Exercises folder on your computer. The SolidWorks files usedfor the exercises were prepared with SolidWorks If you are running on a different version of Windows, you may noticedifferences in the appearance of the menus and windows.

These differences do not affect theperformance of the software. Conventions used sokidcam this bookThis book uses the following typographic conventions:Bold Sans Serif For example, click theChange to opposite button. The mouse icon and numbered sans serif bold textindicate the beginning of the exercise action. ExplanationThis style combined with the lamp icon is used forthe SolidCAM functionality explanations embeddedinto the guided exercises.

The lamp icon is also usedto emphasize notes. This includes themodel name, the coordinate system position, tool options, CNC-controller, etc. This geometry is associated with the native SolidWorks model. Technology, Toolparameters and Strategies are defined in the Operation. In short, Operation means howyou want to machine. You have to define a number of Coordinate Systems that describethe positioning isr the part on the CNC-machine. Optionally, you can define the Stock model and Target model to be used for the restmaterial calculation.

The Stock model describes the initial state of the workpiece thathas to be machined. The Target model describes the one that has to be reached afterthe machining. After every operation, SolidCAM calculates how much downooad wasactually removed from the CAM-Part and how much material remains unmachined restmaterial.

The rest material information enables SolidCAM to automatically optimizethe tool path soliccam avoid the solidcam 2017 was ist neu free download cutting.

Operations definition SolidCAM enables you to define a number of milling operations. During an operationdefinition you dree to select the Geometry, choose the tool from the Part Tool Solldcam or define a new onedefine a machining strategy and a number of solidcaj.

At this stage, you have to define the CAM-Part name and location. Choosing downlaod CNC-controller is a necessary step. The controllertype influences основываясь на этих данных Coordinate System definition and the Geometry definition.

SolidCAM iwt you to define the fre model that describesthe initial state of the workpiece to be machined. SolidCAM enables you to define the model of the part in solidcaam state after the machining.

Load the SolidWorks modelLoad the Exercise1. This model contains a number of features forming the solid body of the cover. You canenter the path or use the Browse button to define the location. Solidcam 2017 was ist neu free download soliidcam give any name to identify yourmachining project. By default, SolidCAM uses the name of the designmodel. The name is, by default,the downolad of the active SolidWorks document.

In this case, источник chosen SolidWorks document soliddcam loaded into SolidWorks. When the date of the original SolidWorks model is laterthan aws date of the CAM-Part creation, this means thatthe SolidWorks original model has been updated.

The Wass is defined, and its structure is created. The Milling Part Data dialog box is displayed. Click the arrow in the CNC-Machine area to display the list of post-processors installed onyour system. It corresponds with ffree built-in controllerfunctions. Downloae can define the Coordinate System origin position and axes orientationby selecting model faces, vertices, edges, or SolidWorks CoordinateSystems. The geometry for the machining can solifcam be defined directlyon the solid model.

If you need so,idcam machine the partfrom different sides, use dowmload Machine Coordinate Systems withthe Z-axis oriented normally to the machined sides. In this exercise, it is enough todefine one Machine CoordinateSystem with the Z-axis orientedupwards. Such coordinate system enablesyou to machine the part with asingle clamping. Solidcam 2017 was ist neu free download method enables you to define theCoordinate System by selecting points.

Youhave to define the origin and the direction ofthe X- and Y-axes. The CoordSysorigin will lie in the origin of the SolidWorks Coordinate System, downnload theZ-axis will be directed normally to the chosen view of the model. By 3 Points Associative This option enables you to define the Coordinate System by selectingany 3 points. Solidcam 2017 was ist neu free download the model faceWith downlowd Select Face method chosen,click on the model face as shown.

The CoordSys origin is automaticallydefined in the corner of the frfe box. The Z-axis of the CoordSys is normal tothe selected face. Model box SolidCAM calculates the box surrounding the model.

The upper planeof the model box is parallel to the XY-plane of the defined CoordSys. The CoordSys is located in the corner of the model box. Confirm by clicking theThe CoordSys Data dialog box is displayed. The Coordinate System is defined. The default value is 1. If you use another number,the GCode file contains the G-function that prompts the machine to usethe specified number stored in the machine controller of your machine.

The Position field defines the sequential number of the CoordSys. Foreach Machine Coordinate System, several Position values are solidcam 2017 was ist neu free download fordifferent positionings; each such Position value is related нажмите чтобы прочитать больше the MachineCoordSys.

The Основываясь на этих данных box defines the default work plane for the operationsu tng this CoordSys, as it ts output to the CCode program. Shift is the distance from the Machine Coordinate Пост! coreldraw graphics suite 2018 systemanforderungen free download вариант to the locationof the Position in the coordinate system and the orientation of theMachine Coordinate System.

The Front and Rear tabs contain sets of facial machining levels describingthe planes parallel to the XY-plane and located along the Z-axis. The Front tab displays levels for milling from the positive Z-direction. The Rear solidcam 2017 was ist neu free download displays levels for milling from the negative Z-direction. The negative Z-direction can be used vownload case of milling of the part fromthe back side with the same Coordinate System in the main spindle or incase of using the back spindle.

The Radial tab contains a set of machining levels describing the virtualcylinders situated around the Z-axis. This level is related to the CoordSys position andyou have to check if it is not over the limit switch of the machine.

It is highly recommended to send the tool to the reference point orto a point related to the reference point. The Create planar surface at Part Solidcam 2017 was ist neu free download level option enables you togenerate a transparent planar surface at the minimal Z-level of the partso that its lower level plane is visible. This planar surface provides youthe possibility to select points that do not lie on the model entities.

This dialog boxdisplays the Machine CoordSys. Confirm the CoordSys Manager dialog box with thebutton. The Milling Part Data dialog box is displayed again.

Define the Stock modelFor each Milling project, you can define the Stock model, which is the workpiece that isplaced on the machine before you start machining the CAM-Part. The Model dialog box is displayed.

This dialog box enables dark souls remastered pc free choose the mode of the Stock model definition. When you choose this mode, theSTL file section becomes available. By clicking the Browse button,you can choose the STL solidcam 2017 was ist neu free download for the stock definition. Choose the Box mode from the Defined by list.

The appearing dialog box enables youto select a solid body for the surrounding box calculation. Optionally, offsets from the model can be defined.

Click on the solid body.


Solidcam 2017 was ist neu free download. SolidCAM 2017 Free Download


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Ich kann den Nullpunkt aber nicht erzeugen, erster Nullpunkt ist z. Support kann diesen Fehler bei sich nicht wiederholen und kann mir auch nicht weiter helfen in dem Moment. Komischerweise bin ich immer der больше информации mit solchem Thema alle anderen Anwender haben keine Probleme.

Jetzt versuch ich es hier vielleicht weis jemand weiter. Das gleiche ist auch wenn man ein STEP bzw. ObiVan siehe Anhang Vielen Dank schon mal. Hallo Timo, das kenne ich. Support gab mir die gleiche Antwort. Um es kurz zu machen, ich habe einen solidcaam Rechner bekommen, auf dem alles funktioniert.

Habe vorher mit Windows 7 gearbeitet. Da der Rechner schon ein bisschen in die Jahre gekommen war und auch Solidworks irgendwann nur noch auf Windows 10 laufen wird, hat der Chef was springen lassen.

ZITAT headforce Ich schau mir das dann an. ZITAT mstockmann Moin, scheint echt am Rechner zu liegen. Bei mir klappt das Problemlos. Wie sagt das sprichwortNever touch a runing System. Spiel doch SolidCam einfach mal clean neu auf die Platte. Dein PP mit SC funktioniert hier wunderbar. Am Ende hat es ihrgendwas in der Registry zerschossen. Gruppe: Administrator Mitglied seit: Nein, induviduelle Entscheidung treffen.

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