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IT Contents 1. Views 5, Downloads 1, File size 10MB. Important: How to use this book to study for the exam 8. About the Author 9. Chapter 1. Understand cloud concepts 1. Skill 1. Windows 10 1703 download iso itar compliance meaningful 4. Thought experiment 5. Thought experiment answer Chapter 2. Understand core Microsoft services and concepts 1. Skill 2. Summary 8. Thought experiment 9. Chapter 3. Understand security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 1.

Skill 3. Summary 6. Thought experiment 7. Chapter 4. Understand Microsoft pricing and support 1. Skill 4. Index IT All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise.

No patent liability is assumed with respect microsoft onedrive 64 bit the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions.

Nor is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. All other marks are property of their respective owners. The author, the publisher, and Microsoft Corporation shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book.

SPECIAL SALES For information about buying windows 10 1703 download iso itar compliance meaningful title in bulk quantities, or for special sales opportunities which may include electronic versions; custom cover designs; and content particular to your business, training goals, marketing focus, or branding interestsplease contact our corporate sales department at [email protected] or For government sales inquiries, please contact [email protected] For questions about sales outside the U.

IT Introduction The Microsoft Certified Fundamentals certification is the initial entry point into a hierarchy of Microsoft certifications. With the Fundamentals certification in place, IT pros can then move up to Associate level certifications that concentrate on specific areas of Microsoft administration, such as messaging, security, desktop, and teamwork.

The ultimate pinnacle in the hierarchy is the Enterprise Administrator Expert certification, achievable by passing the MS and MS exams. This book covers all the skills measured by the MS exam, with each of the four main areas covered in a separate chapter.

Each chapter is broken down into individual skill sections, which cover all the suggested topics for each skill. IT through this book. Nothing can replace actual hands-on experience, and Microsoft provides a fully windows 10 1703 download iso itar compliance meaningful evaluation platform of Microsoft Enterprise—all the components of which are accessible in the cloud and require no hardware other than a computer with Internet access. Microsoft also provides a wealth of documentation for all the Microsoft components at docs.

With these tools, as well as some time and dedication, you can prepare yourself for the MS exam and the first step toward your Microsoft career. If an exam covers four major topic areas, for example, the book will contain four chapters. IT current Microsoft products and technologies. The exams and corresponding certifications are developed to validate your mastery of critical competencies as you design and develop, or implement and support, solutions with Microsoft products and technologies both on-premises and in the cloud.

Certification brings a variety of benefits to the individual and to employers and organizations. You can access updates to this book—in the form of a list of submitted errata and their related corrections—at: MicrosoftPressStore. Please note that product support for Microsoft software and hardware is not windows 10 1703 download iso itar compliance meaningful through the previous addresses. IT Important: How to use this book to study for the exam Certification exams продолжить чтение your on-the-job experience and product knowledge.

To gauge your readiness to take an exam, use this Exam Ref to help windows 10 pro download 64 bit usb check читать understanding of the skills tested by the exam.

Determine the topics you know well and the areas in which you need more experience. The Exam Ref is not a substitute for hands-on experience. This book is not designed to teach you new skills. We recommend that you round out your exam preparation by using a combination of available study materials and courses.

To safeguard the integrity of the exam, authors do not have access to the exam questions. IT About the Author Craig Zacker is the author or coauthor of dozens of books, manuals, articles, and websites on computer and networking topics. He has also been an English professor, a technical and windows 10 1703 download iso itar compliance meaningful editor, a network administrator, a webmaster, a corporate trainer, a technical support engineer, a minicomputer operator, a literature and philosophy student, a library clerk, a photographic darkroom technician, a shipping продолжение здесь, and a newspaper boy.

He lives in a little house with his beautiful wife and a neurotic cat. IT Chapter 1. Understand cloud concepts The cloud is one of the biggest buzzwords ever to emerge from the IT industry, but it is a term that is difficult to define in any but the most general terms.

For a simple definition, you can say that the cloud is an Internet-based resource that provides subscribers with various types of IT services on demand. For users, the cloud enables them to run applications, stream video, download music, read email, and perform any number of other tasks, all without having to worry about where the servers are located, what resources they utilize, how much data is involved, and—in most cases—whether the service is windows 10 1703 download iso itar compliance meaningful.

Like the electricity or the water in your house, you turn it on, and it is there—most of the time. For IT professionals, however, defining the cloud can be more difficult. Cloud providers, such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon, typically offer a wide variety of resources and services.

They can provide virtualized hardware, such as servers, storage, and networks; software in the взято отсюда of back-end server and user applications; as приведенная ссылка as tools for messaging, content management, collaboration, identity management, analytics, and others.

This section covers how to: Understand cloud services Understand the advantages of cloud computing Understanding cloud services Different types of IT professionals understand the cloud in different ways. For software developers, the cloud can provide a variety of preconfigured platforms and development environments for application deployment and testing. For a database administrator, the cloud can provide complex storage architectures and preconfigured database management solutions.

Cloud services can then organize the data and use artificial intelligence to develop new uses for it. For user support technicians, the cloud can provide productivity applications and other software, such as Officethat are more easily deployed than standalone applications, automatically updated on a regular basis, and accessible on any device platform.

In each of these specializations, cloud services can eliminate the tedious set-up processes that administrators often have to perform before they can get down to work. For example, the process of adding a new physical server to a data center can require many separate tasks, including assessing the hardware needs, selecting a vendor, waiting for delivery, assembling the hardware, and installing and configuring the operating system and applications.

These tasks can result in days or weeks wasted before the server is even ready for use. With a cloud provider, the process of adding a new virtual server takes only a matter of minutes. IT portal shown in Figureenables the subscriber to select the desired virtual hardware resources the server, and within a few minutes, the new server is running and ready for use. IT Technet24 question of whether to use on-premises resources or subscriber-based cloud services is a critical decision to make these days.

Cloud-based services might not be preferable for every computing scenario, but they can provide many advantages over on-premises data centers. When designing an IT strategy, a business should consider both the practical needs of the organization, including data security and other business factors, as well as the relative costs of the required services.

Some of the advantages that cloud computing can provide are discussed in the following sections. The monetary savings that result from using cloud services can be significant. Some of windows 10 1703 download iso itar compliance meaningful expenses that can be reduced or eliminated by using cloud services include the following: Hardware The high-end server hardware used by a large enterprise, aside from the standard computer components, can include elaborate storage arrays and other hardware that is an expensive initial outlay before any actual work starts.

The fees for equivalent virtualized hardware in the cloud are amortized over the life of project for which it is used. Upgrades In a large enterprise, servers and other hardware components have a documented life expectancy, after which they must be replaced. IT hardware. Those costs are, of course, factored into the price of the service, but they eliminate another substantial hardware outlay for the subscriber. Software Software licenses are a significant expense, especially for server-based products.

In addition to operating systems and applications, utility software for firewalls, antivirus protection, and backups adds to the expenditure. As with hardware, software furnished windows 10 1703 download iso itar compliance meaningful a subscription basis by a cloud provider requires little or no initial outlay.

Typically, cloud-based software also includes updates applied by the provider on a regular basis. Environment Outfitting a large data center often involves much more expenditure than the cost of the computer hardware alone. In addition to the cost of the square footage, a data center typically needs air conditioning and other environmental controls, electricity and power regulation equipment, racks and other mounting hardware, network connectivity equipment, and a physical security infrastructure.

Depending on the needs of the organization, these costs can range from significant to windows 10 1703 download iso itar compliance meaningful. None of these expenses are required for cloud-based services, although their costs are certainly factored into the fees paid by the subscriber. Network A data center requires an Internet connection and may also require cross-connections between locations within the data center.

The size and functionality of the data center determine how much throughput is required and what technology can best supply it. More speed costs more money, of course.

Cloud-based resources eliminate this expense because connectivity is part of the service.

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