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10th International Conference on Augmented Cognition (AC ) J. Zhou and G. Salvendy (Eds.): ITAP , Part II, LNCS , pp. 3–15, Mark of the ninja trainer free download, Don torcuato cocori? Keyboard shortcuts for windows 10, Shubham shahare, Lax price, Firing order chevy. Iso download pdf, Tkj smk nasional depok, Leeftijd leden golden earring, Richard dawkins pascal’s wager, Ssi itap agua prieta, Mong vo lam hai.
[Windows 10 1703 download iso itap – windows 10 1703 download iso itap
This is a problem because it is desirable to be able to keep the ITAP session for a long time for advanced services. It is likely that there will be situations when the user keeps an ITAP session for more than 10 minutes. If a new ITAP session is started when there already is a session active, the first session is temporarily interrupted.
When the second ITAP session is terminated, the first session is resumed. It is in this case not possible to start a new session from the SN with Alert. However, multiple invocations are not allowed in USSD.
It should be noted that if the timeout is caused by “no input from user”, then this problem is solved by the “idle” timer in the IMS as described above, and illustrated below. It is assumed that image descriptions are supported.
Note that if an event e. Note that when the IMS receives the bind result step , the application parameters are stored in the IMS In FIG. Note that all ITAP sessinos will be aborted in this situation. This is necessary because the attempt to erminate a session on the ITAP level failed and a deadlock situation needs to be avoided. The illustrated scenario is for the case in which image descriptions are supported. In this case, the IMS does not support image descriptions, and the SN is backward compatible.
It has been described, with respect to FIGS. In the following scenarios, depicted in FIGS. When the IMS or the SN has received an operation with the segmentation flag set to “more to come”, then a USSD operation with just the header, where the segmentation flag is set to “get more info”, should be sent to the other entity.
When the complete ITAP operation has been received, it should be decoded by the receiving entity. Turning now to FIG. The solution is to split it into two operations , The IMS responds by generating invoking an Unbind operation step As a result, an Unbind scenario continues step , that is, a USSD dialogue is closed or a previously interrupted session is resumed.
The various ITAP operations in accorance with one embodiment of the invention will now be described in greater detail. ITAP uses the concept of remote operations for specification of interactive communication between the application entities. Operation class 1, synchronous, reporting success or failure; Operation class 2, asynchronous, reporting success or failure; Operation class 3, asynchronous, reporting failure only; Operation class 4, asynchronous, reporting success only; and Operation class 5, outcome not reported.
The timer range value that is used complies to the range defined by. The operation timer is invoked when the requesting application entity is waiting for the outcome of a request. If no outcome is returned before the timer expires, the operation is cancelled. The idle timer is invoked in the IMS when there is no outstanding request for service and invoked in the SN when no request is being executed.
If there is no activity on the session, the idle timer will expire. SN, ml It should be noted that since the IMS will send an Unbind operation when the idle timer expires in the IMS , the idle timer ought to be a little bit shorter in the IMS than in the SN so that the session can be terminated in a proper way. These operations are specified in the following section. IMS in order to remotely call a service application function in the SN Rules and restrictions for these functions are specified in a section below.
The data types that are not specified in this document are specified in the sections below that describe Image Descriptions in greater detail. This is only – applicable when the IMS does. The selectedLanguage. Serviceld defines the.
Alert timer. If the timer expires an Unbind operation is. The timer is cleared when. Textlnfo can — be used to send an arbitrary text string that can be. The serviceld is equal to the start image — description that will be displayed and evaluated.
This text can — be used to present a menu on the local MMI for accessing. If the terminal type is not. Restricted is used when. Portuguese 8 , finnish 9 , norwegian 10 , greek 11 , turkish If the IMS supports image descriptions, serviceld – defines the first image description that shall be. Bit 1 in the first octet indicates if the — first sub service is included, bit 2 in the first octet.
It is – possible to have 32 different sub services. First digit. The operation codes for the application dependent ITAP operations shall be within the range of 10 to as operation codes 1 to 9 are reserved for the basic ITAP operations. This is also valid even if the argument contains only one element.
A limited number of data types shall be used for the elements in the operation arguments. The allowed data types are:. It is not allowed to specify value range or sizes range of a specific element.
If the value range or size range specified for the type of the element must be further decreased, this shall be indicated as a comment, not as ASN. The reason for this is that if PER is used, the length field of a “sized element” contains the number of bits that is required for the maximum size.
Also, the number of bits required for the value field of a certain “value element” depends on the maximum value specified. This makes the number of bits for the length field or the value field variable.
The tagging shall be: – Sequential start with tag 0. Optional parameters shall be specified at the end of the operation argument. No parameters are allowed for the error types. The error codes shall be in the range of 20 to as error codes 1 – 19 are reserved for the basic ITAP operations.
The focus of this description will now be on a more detailed description of image descriptions. The image descriptions mainly put requirements on suppliers of the IMS , because from the point of view of the SN , the image description is just a resource that needs to be loaded using the ITAP GetlmageDescr iption operation. The following specifications are made with ASN.
Data types that are not specified here were specified above in the sections discussing ITAP Operations. Image header string. Set up new definitions for the logical functions. Execute the action. The action items are evaluated in sequential order. If a new image description is activated in the action, the IMS shall fetch the new image description and evaluate the new image description, see step 1.
An action can never be interrupted. If the IMS receives events during execution of an action, the event shall be pending in an event queue. The action associated with a pending event shall be executed when the IMS is idle and fetching the next event from the event queue. Display the header. Display the image objects, including field and list contents. Get next event. The IMS shall fetch next event from the event queue. If there is no event, the IMS shall remain in idle mode and wait for the next event.
The events shall have the following priority order, in decreasing priority order:. Upon reception of an event, execute the associated action as described in step 3. There can only be one menu or list. Once the — register is allocated it remains allocated until the ITAP. As long as the register is allocated it. Furthermore a. The register can either be a — vector register or register just containing one entry.
If the size is 1, the register shall be. The reference can be a. If the index is. Following terms are used for parameters: simpleValue, a value from a register that is not a vector. The value is identified by just a register identity. The vector is identified by a register. When a. The conditionalStatement. The expression defines that expression that shall. True and false label defines the identity of the label where the. The refereed label must be defined within the same action.
If one of. The expression shall be evaluated. The first and — second parameter must always be of the same type with the following exceptions:. The secondParameter and operator can be omitted if. Specifies a parameter to an expression. The parameter could be: a fixed value a simple register value a simple value within a vector a selected list row. The inparameter could be:. The execution can only be transferred to a label.
If no error label is provided and a fatal error occurs,. The operators are specified in decreasing. The outparameter could be:. Timeout specifies the number of. If no response is. Icons can only be used on. The resource associated with a certain Iconld is defined by the -terminal supplier. It is up to the IMS to decide how the menu is. The “icon” parameter refers to a local icon stored in the.
The icon parameter is only applicable for graphical terminals. If the. The text of each option row could consists of a sequence of these items. It is up to the IMS to decide how the option text is formatted on the display. The referenced register contains the data to be. For presentation of address information same. If — one row has been selected the selectedRegister will contain one entry.
If two rows. If no selection has been done,. Number of possible selections are defined by possibleSelections parameter. An icon. IMS calculates this value. First list row — has number 0. The register is of type. The following rules are defined for the presentation. If a-address is available, the IMS shall search for the address in the local address book and display the name found in the address book. If name is provided by the network and the entry is not found in the local address book, the name provided by the network shall be displayed.
If name is not available but the address is available, the address shall be displayed. The register is of some. The register. The IMS can present this as. When a selection is done, the register contains the value. If “moreThanOneAUowed” is true, the first selected item value is.
If there is no selections the register will be empty. The register can be. The register is of type textString. It is up to the IMS to present the time stamp in a suitable. Disconnect specifies the. The logical functions overrides the — standard functionality in the IMS. If there is no action associated with a. The definition can be temporary and just valid when the — current image description is active or valid during the entire ITAP session. Included in this data type is an optional “errorLabel”.
It is, through this “errorLabel”, possible to specify actions that are executed when a fatal error occurs. However, if no “errorLabel” is included in the function call, then a default error handling takes place.
Stores the text information, a-party and b-party address information received from SN with Alert request or Bind result in a sequence of registers. The function should be called from the image description that has the same number as the serviceld in the Alert or Bind response operation. Sets the status of a menu entry. The menu entry stams can be “enabled” or “disabled”. If the stams is disabled, the menu entry shall not be presented for the service user.
The default stams is enabled. Adds an item to a vector register. It is possible to add the item in start of vector, end of vector or in sort order. The function returns the index where the item was inserted.
The entries with higher index than the inserted index, are moved to one index higher. If the vector is filled with entries and insert mode is start of vector or in sort order, the last entry shall be removed and the new item shall be inserted.
If the vector is filled and insert mode is end of vector, an error shall be returned indicating that the maximum number of entries has been exceeded. Note: insert mode “in sort order” is only possible to use for sorted vectors. Inserts an entry in a vector register.
If the vector is filled with entries, the last entry shall be removed and the new entry shall be inserted. Removes an entry in a sequence of vector registers. The entries with higher index than the removed index, are moved to one index lower, in order to fill out the gap. Searches an item in a vector register. Returns the index of the first entry that matches the search item.
The register may not be sorted so the function must search the entire register for a matching item. Sorts a vector register and an additional list of vector registers.
Input to the function is the registers that shall be sorted. A referenced register is not defined or is not a vector. Merges two vector registers.
Both registers must be of the same type. The result register will get the same id as registerld 1. Clears a sequence of vector registers or simple registers.
Sets a value in a simple register or a range of entries in a vector register. The value to set must be of the same type as the register. Increments the value of a register entry. The register must be of type Longlnt or UnsignedByte. Decrements the value of a register entry. Copies the contents of one register to another register. Both registers must be of the same type and can be simple registers or vector registers. If the registers are vectors, then the whole vector is copied.
Executes the actions, specified for the selected menu option in a menu that is presented in this image. Unbind is sent to SN. Starts a new ITAP session.
Bind, with a new session id, will be sent to the SN. The capabilities of the bearer determines if the already running ITAP session will be temporarily interrupted, or if it will continue to run in parallel with the new ITAP session. Starts a timer. If the timer expires the action defined for the logical function timeout will be executed. The timer can be cleared with the stopTimer function.
It is only possible to start one timer. Stops a timer. Clears the timer that has been started with startTimer. Accepts a call that has been indicated in the IMS or sets the IMS in a mode so the next incoming call will be accepted. There are no error responses from this function. The function will remrn immediately with a call id. The call identity is always greater than or equal to 1.
Sets up call to another party. Function immediately remrns with call identity. Illegal bNumber. Puts an active call or multi party on hold.
If there is already a call on hold, that call becomes active and the identity of that call is returned. If there is no call on hold, callld 0 is returned.
The active call and the call on hold are joined in a multi party and the served mobile subscriber and the remote parties can all communicate with each other. The function remrns the id of the multi party. Removes a call from a multi party. The removed call becomes active and the multi party call is put on hold. Sends a string of DTMF digits on the active call connection. Sends a short message. The function uses the default values stored in the IMS for other parameters take can be provided for mobile originated SM, e.
Reply to a received short message. This function checks whether the reply path is requested in the original short message. If reply path is requested the service centre address in the original short message shall be used in the reply message. If reply path is not request the default service centre address shall be used. The recipient address is always fetched from the original message.
Name Type Description messageld Longlnt Identity of the message. Send a command to the SMS-C. The following commands are defined: enquiry the stams of a submitted message delivered, not delivered, replaced , cancel a request for stams report or delete a submitted message.
Generates an indication, e. Illegal type of notification. Enquiries the address book about the address information for one or more subscribers, specified by the address. The function remrns all entries that match the search key.
Name Type Description address Addresslnfo Address to subscriber. Name Type Description index Longlnt Unique index identifying the entry in the address book. The focus of this description will now be on a detailed description of application dependent ITAP operations for a personal access service.
The reason is indicated by the service identity parameter. Together with the operation it is also possible to provide parameters that are associated with the service identity, i. This section defines the different service identities that are defined for a Personal Access PA application and how the corresponding parameters are utilized for transferring application dependent parameters in the initiating ITAP operations for the different service identities.
This will be the service identity used when the service user is accessing the personal access application in the service node without authentication. The service user shall be offered services for enquiring the mailboxes or managing the personal profile.
No parameters are associated with the service identity. Incoming call An ITAP session for incoming calls can be established in two ways: network initiated and mobile initiated.
The A-number and A- name will be sent if the information is available or if there is no caller line restriction. New message notification An ITAP session for message notification is always initiated from the network. The notification information e. No parameters are transferred. An ITAP session for indicating that the screening has expired is always established from the network.
The screening reason that has expired shall be sent as a text string. The screening reason is mapped on the textlnfo parameter in the Alert operation. The service user shall be able to set a new expiration time. General Notification. An ITAP session for notification is always established from the network.
The notification reason shall be sent as a text string. The notification text is mapped on the textlnfo parameter in the Alert operation. An ITAP session for setting the stams line is always initiated from the network. The service node initiates an ITAP session with the ITAP operation Alert for indicating that the stams text displayed in idle mode shall be changed, such as when the current screening state is changed.
The stams text is mapped on the textlnfo parameter in the Alert operation. This will be the service identity used when the service user is accessing the personal access application in the service node with authentication.
The service user will be requested to enter the personal identification number PIN -Code. If the correct PIN-Code is entered, the service user shall be offered services for enquiring the mailboxes or managing the personal profile. It is possible to create a PA service application package comprised of the mandatory PA services plus the operator specific selection from the available optional PA services.
Caller presentation Call screening Incoming call selection Call logs – Fax mail. E-mail Conversion An identification of which optional services are included in the service users subscription is indicated with the subService parameter in Bind result or Alert invoke. The services are mapped in the following way:.
Fax detection, bit 1 octet 1 Callers choice, bit 2 octet 1 Caller presentation, bit 3 octet 1 Call screening, bit 4 octet 1 – Incoming call selection, bit 5 octet 1. Call logs, bit 6 octet 1 Fax mail, bit 7 octet 1 E-mail, bit 8 octet 1 Conversion, bit 1 octet 2 If the bit is 1, then the corresponding service is included in the subscription.
The operation can be. The call will be transferred to a new destination. The destination can be a predefined number defined by the operator or an explicit number. Class 1 operation. The result indicates whether. The remaining.
The operation can. An additional pause. If there is no. The result shall be returned when the speech. The IMS shall accept the call when the result is remrned. If there is a speech connection already established.
The result shall be remrned when the. The IMS shall accept the call when the result is — remrned. The playing of the message s is started when the answer. If there is a speech connection. The result shall be remrned when the speech.
This operation is used. The operation remrns the new message notification. The SN shall — return the result immediately. The selected message that. The SN shall remrn the result. The result indicates whether there are more stams entries. The remaining part is retrieved by additional — stams enquires with the type of log assigned to more information. The call has been routed to — the destination for fax calls and incoming call selection is terminated.
The index can be in the range of 1 to. The size of the. The message id. Message id and media shall then be fetched by the SN from — the current message. The media parameter is only included if the selected media is — equal to “all”. The media parameter is only included if the selected media is.
The status parameter is only included of the selected stams. The message body parameter is only applicable for E-mail. If type of media. If type of play is all, all messages shall be played in. If type of play is specific, the specified message shall.
If type of play is repeat, the current message shall be repeated. Repeat and next. Message id — is not used for repeat and next. If number shall not be presented for the service.
If the name is not available, — only the number shall be included. If the name is not available,. The routing table identifier.
If number shall not be presented for the service user, e. If it is an operator. If the name is not available, only — the number shall be included. If number shall not be presented for the service — user, e.
If the screening is not active this parameter. Screening reason can be in the. Message id and media shall then be fetched by the SN from the current message. The routing table identifier can be in the range. The bnumber can be omitted if. The SN shall — then fetch the number from the current message. If the transfer destination is a. If the transfer destination is from the local address. If the address — information are from the local address book or manually entered numbers,.
If the address. The routing table identifier can be in – the range The screening reason indicates the current screening reason, e.
Screening reason can be in the range 1 – Search times can be — in the range of 1 – 60 seconds. Referring first to FIGS. The SN responds with the caller name and number step In this example, the IMS application version is equal to the application version in the SN and the start image description is available in the cache memory.
Since the traffic channel is already allocated, the speech connection will be established immediately when the call is accepted locally in the IMS step The new session is closed by sending an Unbind operation step In this case, the IMS application version is equal to the application version in the service node and the start image description is available in the cache memory.
The call is rejected and the signalling resource is released step The service node responds with the caller name and number step The call is transferred step and the predefined destinations related to call transfer are updated. The service user requests the caller to hold the line step and the call is accepted after a while The service user requests the personal access application to play a predefined message to the caller step The scenario shown in FIG.
The service node detects that the call is accepted by monitoring the answer event. Mailbox-related services will now be described with reference to FIGS. After issuing a MailboxStatus invoke step , the service user selects to enquiry the voice mailbox about new messages step The service user selects to play the voice messages step The playing of the voice messages is controlled by DTMF signalling step When the service user selects to end the voice mail session, a ReleaseResource operation is sent to the SN step The service user selects to call the originator of the voice message or the number stated in the call log step Call setup proceeds as previously described in this document.
The image descriptions are available in the cache. After issuing an EnquiryMailbox invoke step and receiving the result step , the IMS issues a SendMessage invokd step to receive a fax.
In response, one new fax message is forwarded step Updating of the routing table will now be described with reference to FIGS. The service user modifies the routing table and the tables is saved in the service node steps and The service user selects one routing table and that routing table becomes active by means of the IMS issuing a SetActive RoutingTable invoke step Normally SMS is used as the notification medium.
The information about the new message is fetched from the SN steps and The service user proceeds by enquiring the mailbox steps and The session continues as described in FIGS. The invention has been described with reference to a particular embodiment. However, it will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art that it is possible to embody the invention in specific forms other than those of the preferred embodiment described above.
This may be done without departing from the spirit of the invention. The preferred embodiment is merely illustrative and should not be considered restrictive in any way. The scope of the invention is given by the appended claims, rather than the preceding description, and all variations and equivalents which fall within the range of the claims are intended to be embraced therein. In a communications system that includes a service node connected to an intelligent terminal by means of a limited bandwidth communications means, a method of providing a service to a user of the intelligent terminal, the method comprising the steps of: in the service node, analyzing an event to determine a primitive; using the limited bandwidth communications means to send a message to the intelligent terminal, wherein the message instructs the intelligent terminal to execute a routine corresponding to the primitive; and in the intelligent terminal, responding to the message by executing the routine corresponding to the primitive, wherein the step of sending the message to the intelligent terminal is performed independently of whether a speech connection is established on the limited bandwidth communications means.
The method of claim 1, wherein: the message further includes parameters; and the step of executing the routine corresponding to the primitive includes using the received parameters. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of executing the routine includes the step of presenting information to the user of the intelligent terminal. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of executing the routine includes the step of changing a state of the intelligent terminal.
The method of claim 1 , wherein the event is receipt of a message from the intelligent terminal, the message indicating that the user has activated a man- machine interface of the intelligent terminal.
The method of claim 1, wherein the event is detection by the service node of an occurrence of something that affects the intelligent terminal. The method of claim 6, wherein the occurrence is an incoming call directed at the intelligent terminal. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of, in the intelligent terminal, responding to the message by executing the routine corresponding to the primitive comprises the steps of: in the intelligent terminal, determining that execution of the routine requires the presence of a state table that is not presently stored in the intelligent terminal; using the limited bandwidth communications means to send a message from the intelligent terminal to the service node, wherein the message requests the state table; using the limited bandwidth communications means to send the requested state table from the service node to the intelligent terminal; and in the intelligent terminal, using the received state table to execute the routine.
The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of, in the intelligent terminal, performing menu-handling input and output functions between the intelligent terminal and the user without communicating with the service node. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of controlling intelligent terminal user input and output functions in accordance with a man-machine interface paradigm that is independent of the service being provided.
In a communications system that includes a service node connected to an intelligent terminal by means of a limited bandwidth communications means, a method of providing a service to a user of the intelligent terminal, the method comprising the steps of: in the intelligent terminal, analyzing an event to determine an action to be taken; using the limited bandwidth communications means to send an operation to the service node, wherein the operation corresponds to the action to be taken and instructs the service node to execute a routine corresponding to the operation; and in the service node, performing the action corresponding to the operation, and returning a result of the operation to the intelligent terminal via the limited bandwidth communications means, wherein the step of sending the operation to the service node is performed independently of whether a speech connection is established on the limited bandwidth communications means.
The method of claim 11, further comprising the step of: in the intelligent terminal, initiating a first session with the service node via the limited bandwidth communications means. The method of claim 12, wherein the step of, in the intelligent terminal, initiating a first session with the service node via the limited bandwidth communications means is performed in response to detection of an incoming call at the intelligent terminal.
The method of claim 12, wherein the step of, in the intelligent terminal, initiating a first session with the service node via the limited bandwidth communications means is performed in response to a detection that the user has activated a man-machine interface of the intelligent terminal. The method of claim 11, further comprising the step of: in the service node, initiating a first session with the intelligent terminal via the limited bandwidth communications means.
The method of claim 15, wherein the step of, in the service node, initiating a first session with the intelligent terminal via the limited bandwidth communications means is performed in response to detection of an event directed at the intelligent terminal. The method of claim 12, wherein the step of initiating the first session with the service node comprises the step of negotiating between the intelligent terminal and the service node to ensure that resources that are to be used by the intelligent terminal and the service node are consistent with respect to one another.
The method of claim 12, wherein the step of initiating the first session with the service node includes the step of indicating a type of coding that is to be used in communications between the intelligent terminal and the service node. The method of claim 18, wherein the type of coding is Packed Encoding Rules. The method of claim 12, further comprising the step of initiating a second session between the intelligent terminal and the service node while maintaining the first session.
The method of claim 11, further comprising the step of sending an image description from the service node to the intelligent terminal, wherein the image description defines operations that are to be performed by the intelligent terminal. The method of claim 11, further comprising the step of sending an image description from the service node to the intelligent terminal, wherein the image description defines information to be supplied to the user of the intelligent terminal.
The method of claim 11, further comprising the step of sending an image description from the service node to the intelligent terminal, wherein the image description defines one or more steps to be performed by the intelligent terminal in response to detection of an event in the intelligent terminal. The method of claim 24, wherein the image description further defines information to be supplied to the user of the intelligent terminal.
The method of claim 11, further comprising the step of sending an image description from the service node to the intelligent terminal, wherein the image description defines one or more local terminal functions to be performed by the intelligent terminal in response to detection of an event in the intelligent terminal.
The method of claim 11, wherein the step of using the limited bandwidth communications means to send an operation to the service node comprises mapping the operation onto an “Unstructured Supplementary Services Data” protocol data unit. The method of claim 11, wherein the step of using the limited bandwidth communications means to send an operation to the service node comprises mapping the operation onto two or more “Unstructured Supplementary Services Data” protocol data units.
The method of claim 11, wherein the step of using the limited bandwidth communications means to send an operation to the service node comprises mapping the operation onto a Short Message Service protocol data unit. The method of claim 11, wherein the step of using the limited bandwidth communications means to send an operation to the service node comprises mapping the operation onto a protocol data unit of a lower layer protocol.
The method of claim 30, further comprising the step of sending an operation from the intelligent terminal to the service node in order to avoid an occurrence of a timeout associated with a service provider of the lower layer protocol. The method of claim 30, wherein the operation is associated with an application protocol service provider, and further comprising the steps of terminating and reestablishing a session of the application protocol service in order to avoid an occurrence of a timeout associated with a service provider of the lower layer protocol.
The method of claim 11, wherein the step of using the limited bandwidth communications means to send an operation to the service node comprises mapping the operation onto two or more protocol data units of a lower layer protocol. The method of claim 11, further comprising the steps of: performing a local service function in the intelligent terminal without requesting assistance from the service node.
The method of claim 11, wherein the step of, in the service node, returning the result of the operation to the intelligent terminal via the limited bandwidth communications means comprises mapping the result onto two or more protocol data units of a lower layer protocol. The apparatus of claim 38, wherein the image description defines operations that are to be performed by the intelligent terminal. The apparatus of claim 38, wherein the image description defines information to be supplied to the user of the intelligent terminal.
The apparatus of claim 38, wherein the image description defines one or more steps to be performed by the intelligent terminal in response to detection of an event in the intelligent terminal. The apparatus of claim 41, wherein the image description further defines information to be supplied to the user of the intelligent terminal.
The apparatus of claim 38, wherein the image description defines one or more local terminal functions to be performed by the intelligent terminal in response to detection of an event in the intelligent terminal. The apparatus of claim 36, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider establishes the first session in response to detection of an incoming call at the intelligent terminal. The apparatus of claim 36, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider establishes the first session in response to a detection that the user has activated a man-machine interface of the intelligent terminal.
The apparatus of claim 36, wherein the service node application protocol service provider establishes the first session with the terminal application protocol service provider in response to detection of an event directed at the intelligent terminal. The apparatus of claim 36, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider comprises means for negotiating with the service node application protocol service provider to ensure that resources that are to be used by the intelligent terminal and the service node are consistent with respect to one another.
The apparatus of claim 36, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider includes means for indicating to the service node application protocol service provider a type of coding that is to be used in communications between the intelligent terminal and the service node. The apparatus of claim 48, wherein the type of coding is Basic Encoding Rules. The apparatus of claim 48, wherein the type of coding is Packed Encoding Rules. The apparatus of claim 36, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider further includes means for establishing a second session with the service node application protocol service provider while maintaining the first session.
The apparatus of claim 36, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider uses the terminal bearer service provider by mapping an operation onto two or more protocol data units. The apparatus of claim 52, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider includes means for sending an operation from the intelligent terminal to the service node in order to avoid an occurrence of a timeout associated with the terminal and service node bearer service providers.
The apparatus of claim 52, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider includes means for terminating and reestablishing the first session in order to avoid an occurrence of a timeout associated with the terminal and service node bearer service providers. The apparatus of claim 36, wherein the service node application protocol service provider uses the service node bearer service provider by mapping a response onto two or more protocol data units.
The intelligent terminal of claim 58, wherein the image description defines operations that are to be performed by the intelligent terminal.
The intelligent terminal of claim 58, wherein the image description defines information to be supplied to a user of the intelligent terminal. The intelligent terminal of claim 58, wherein the image description defines one or more steps to be performed by the intelligent terminal in response to detection of an event in the intelligent terminal.
The intelligent terminal of claim 61, wherein the image description further defines information to be supplied to a user of the intelligent terminal. The intelligent terminal of claim 58, wherein the image description defines one or more local terminal functions to be performed by the intelligent terminal in response to detection of an event in the intelligent terminal.
The intelligent terminal of claim 56, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider establishes the first session in response to detection of an incoming call at the intelligent terminal. The intelligent terminal of claim 56, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider establishes the first session in response to a detection that the user has activated a man-machine interface of the intelligent terminal.
The intelligent terminal of claim 56, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider comprises means for negotiating with the service node application protocol service provider to ensure that resources that are to be used by the intelligent terminal and the service node are consistent with respect to one another.
The intelligent terminal of claim 56, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider includes means for indicating to the service node application protocol service provider a type of coding that is to be used in communications between the intelligent terminal and the service node. The intelligent terminal of claim 67, wherein the type of coding is Basic Encoding Rules.
The intelligent terminal of claim 67, wherein the type of coding is Packed Encoding Rules. The intelligent terminal of claim 56, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider further includes means for establishing a second session with the service node application protocol service provider while maintaining the first session.
The intelligent terminal of claim 56, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider uses the terminal bearer service provider by mapping an operation onto two or more protocol data units. The intelligent terminal of claim 71, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider includes means for sending an operation from the intelligent terminal to the service node in order to avoid an occurrence of a timeout associated with the terminal and service node bearer service providers.
The intelligent terminal of claim 71, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider includes means for terminating and reestablishing the first session in order to avoid an occurrence of a timeout associated with the terminal and service node bearer service providers.
USA USP EPB1 en. JPB2 en. KRB1 en. CNC en. AUB2 en. BRB1 en. CAC en. DET2 en. EEA en. HKA1 en. IDA en. NOL en. WOA1 en. A mobile station, equipment for connection to a mobile station, switching systems in mobile communications systems and mobile communications systems.
Dynamic service application, in a mobile communication device or a SIM card, for receiving and executing short text message dynamic service scripts , e.
Method of and system for providing a programming information for programming a device. Method for use of non-call related services by communication network subscribers. Unstructured supplementary service data from a home location register to an external node. JPA en. AUA en. NOD0 en. CAA1 en. BRA en. CNA en. KRA en. DED1 en. EPA1 en. System and method for providing access to service nodes from entities disposed in an integrated telecommunications network.
The total of papers and poster papers presented at the HCII conferences were carefully reviewed and selected from submissions. LNCS , Design for Aging Part I , addresses the following major topics: designing for and with the elderly; technology use and acceptance by older users; psychological and cognitive aspects of interaction and aging; mobile and wearable technologies for the elderly.
LNCS , Healthy and Active Aging Part II , addresses these major topics: smart and assistive environments; aging and social media; aging, learning, training and games; and aging, mobility and driving. Jia Zhou. Gavriel Salvendy. Healthy and Active Aging. Editors : Jia Zhou, Gavriel Salvendy. Publisher : Springer Cham. Series ISSN : Edition Number : 1. Number of Pages : XXI, Skip to main content. Search SpringerLink Search. Editors: Jia Zhou 0 , Gavriel Salvendy 1. View editor publications.
Conference proceedings info: ITAP
WOA1 – Intelligent terminal application protocol – Google Patents
The register is of type textString. When the IMS or the SN has received an operation with the windows 10 1703 download iso itap – windows 10 1703 download iso itap flag set перейти на страницу “more to come”, then a USSD operation with just the header, where the segmentation flag is set to “get more info”, should be sent to the other entity. Such local functions might include translating a number into a corresponding name, activating a ring sinal, or making an automatic “off-hook”. Country of ref windowss : AU. GLib is a library of utility functions designed to solve some portability problems and provide other useful functionality which most programs require. This package includes cannaserver program and dictionary files. The apparatus of claim 52, wherein the terminal application protocol service provider includes means for sending an operation from the intelligent terminal to the service node in downloadd to avoid an occurrence of a timeout associated with the terminal and service node bearer service providers.